How He Is Around You

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Harry: Harry is relaxed. Being the famous Harry Potter, a lot is expected of him. When he is with you, all of his worries slip away.

Ron: Ron is more humorous. For some reason, the only time he can ever come up with good jokes, is with you. You both laugh a lot when you hang out.

Draco: Draco isn't as cocky as he normally is. He becomes sweet and gentle. Like the Draco you've always known.

Fred: Fred loves being with you because you always put a smile to his face. He is more laid back when you two are together.

George: George is more romantic with you. He wants your relationship to be the best it can be. He is always sweet to you and is constantly giving you gifts.

Neville: Neville is less clumsy around you. He's also more out-spoken and not as nervous. He knows you love him just the way he is.

Oliver: Oliver is less confident around you. He feels like if he messes anything up or gets something wrong, it will ruin everything. Including your relationship.

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