Chapter 4---Just A Little Misunderstanding

Start from the beginning

This woman likes James, I thought to myself. She likes him...maybe a lot. What can I say? She's giggling.

"He did?" I forced a laugh.

"Yup. He was so happy when I told him that. Did you two already talk?" yeah we talked alright.

"No." I lied again.

"Are you two related to each other? Uncle...cousin?" she shrugged. Future husband actually.

I just copied her shrug and looked outside the window.

"You should go see him. He looked like he wanted to say something to you that's really urgent and important."

He was just probably looking for me earlier. I ran off because I can't take it anymore. He was probably eavesdropping at our conversation.

"I will after school, Miss Klein." I smiled half-way.

She smiled sweetly. Wow, she's pretty. "That's the spirit." she held my shoulder. "I'll just write you a pass. What's you're next class?" holding a pass sheet, she pulled put a pen from her bag.

Oh crap I forgot it's Tuesday. "...E-English." I have double English today.

She cocked her head at my direction with widened eyes. "O-oh...with Mr. Hughes?" she stammered.

She likes him...


She started writing on the pass and when she was done, she ripped it off from the rest of the sheets and gave it to me.

"Thanks, Miss Klein." I grabbed my backpack.

"You're welcome. I hope we get to have a little girl talk sometime, okay?" her eyes twinkled.

"Maybe." I stood up.

"And Cassidy..."

"Yes, Miss Klein?"

She smiled again. " can trust me with anything."

I smiled back. "I'll try to remember that."

"Okay." she whispered.

Leaving Miss Klein's classroom is a struggle. I have English next which means James is teaching my next class. Not to mention that I'm twenty minutes late! How did I manage to not be myself for a period and twenty minutes?!

But still...I'll have to face James. I can't just cut English everyday. And I forgot about Hannah! She'll kill me! Then again, I remember that she has another class to go to.

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