Red is Darker than Black

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If Blood is thicker than Water,
Red is darker than Black,
Then Death is greater than Life?


One year later...

The sun was rising up in the sky that early twilight, I carry Jared in my arms as I feed her with real milk.

Jared had been a real baby ever since Astrid died, Zeus had made her a real baby, as a reward and the wish Astrid whispered to his ear as the form of wind.
Astrid had wished her to be a real baby, and I'm happy of it.

I'm already in 2nd year college doing the mag or of Architecture and Engineering, well maybe between the two, Hiro goes for Engineering of course, Tadashi had graduated and got a good job in a robotics company dad recommend for him to enter.

My friends back in San Fransokyo just visited me last week and was surprised about me having a daughter. It was a bit funny, I told them about what really did happen, and all of them never believed. I think its okay that they didn't, so that Jared's mom will stay as a secret, that she really is a demon that turned angel.

I just told them that I got engaged and I married Astrid, and she died because of a deseas...

Astrid...I wonder if she's happy somewhere in Valhalla. Watching over us.

Gogo and I used to talk about her, which Hiro get jealous of a bit, but I have no intention to court the girl, besides, she's my future sister in law, and only her sister that fits in my heart.
Maybe I'll grew up as a father without a wife, raising this baby I have in my arms alone.

"Hiccup? Are you ready to go?" Hiro came in the door already dressed in his uniform. I smiled and placed Jared on her stroller and strap her in.

"A morning walk is a really fun thing to do." Gogo came smiling widely, like she just saw something that made her smile like that.

"Ooh...aunt Gogo is a in a good mood today." I teased while holding Jared's tiny hand and she made cooing soinds.
"Well, maybe because I woke up in the good side of the bed? And besides, Underworld was getting kinda good now, even though demons can never ever become an angel, unlike me, but all the demons are showing good things, except during night where they scare, but never harm anyone." Gogo said.

"So that's why I haven't slept really good last night." Hiro scratched his head. We laughed and headed our way out.

"What do you think might happen this year at school?" Gogo asked, while she pushed her niece's stroller.
"For sure Hiccup will find a girl that will be Jared's step mother." Said Hiro.
I chuckled and shake my head, "sorry bro, but I don't have the intention, my only priority now is that I can graduate so I can give Jared what she wants when she grows up and give her a bright future."

"What if Jared will ask about her mom? And what if she finds out about who she really is?" Asked Gogo.

We stopped by the plaza, picking up Jared and set her feet on the ground and helped her walk.
"Maybe I'll tell Jared who she really is as she grows up, I won't keep any secret from her, and tell her about her mom, and what she really is in the first place." I said.

Jared chuckles when she saw a little butterfly flying. She then let go of my finger which she was holding and started crawling away.

"Jared! Get back here!" I called and chased after the baby.

Misty Red (Hiccstrid)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें