Chapter 46: United (part 1)

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Bright light glowed, blinding me as it shine really bright as the sun, it must've been the very bright light I have ever seen before.

The blinding light disappeared, I rub my eyes for recovery, but it seems like my vision was a bit affected by the very bright shine.
But I can hear Heather gasping beside me.
"No way." She said in disbelief.
I blink my eyes, trying to get a clearer vision.

When my vision cleared and everything was already steady, I was surprised when I saw something unexpected.
"What just happened?" I asked Heather.
"Its impossible, how did this happen?" was her reply still in disbelief, like she still can't process anything in her mind.

I look at the scenery in front of me. I let Stormfly flew closer for me to get a closer look.
The demon king was still standing, but was also surprised as I was.

I blink my eyes again, but everything was just the same. I saw Astrid, her black angels wings turned white, as I pure white, and so as Gogo's.

"They're...angels." I gasped. I look at Heather, who was still wide eyed in disbelief.
"If a demon made a good deed, will be blessed and be gifted with a new life." She chanted.

I look up the skies as thunder rumbled, the black clouds had been separated by a bright golden light shining from the heavens, followed by the thunder and lightning.
And there appeared other angels together with beautiful creatures, horses with wings, from far away, dragons have erupted from far away, creating a beautiful army of flying reptiles.

"There they are." Said Heather. I look at her, her lips were curved into a smile of relief.

"What are they doing here?" I asked.
"To help the princesses." Replied Heather and flew to the group of angels soaring while fighting the demons all around.

Heather returned and dropped something. I quickly caught it and saw it was a necklace with a feather pendant.
"Wear it, for you to help your princess." She said and flew away.

I look at the necklace and to the still fighting family. And saw Astrid being thrown away towards my direction. I made Stormfly leap up in the air and I heard a very loud crash.

I turn around and saw Astrid just crashed on a building.
"You okay babe?" I called.
She shake her head to remove the dust off her head and look up at me with her beautiful smile and gave me a thumbs up.
"I'm okay." She said and flew in front of me.

"Babe, you have to go, father is after you." She said looking at the direction where Gogo was fighting their father all alone.

"What? No! I can't leave you all alone." I said holding her hands. "You can't, your not strong enough to handle this, please, I'll be back for you." She said.

I sighed, and put the necklace around me. I don't known what it can do but I must try and figure it out.

Suddenly, light surrounded me.
"Hiccup, what's going on?" Asked Astrid worriedly. I just look at her and she reached for my hand and squeeze it tightly.
"Hiccup, what's going on?" She asked again. Suddenly the light wrapped around me blinding me instantly, feeling something just grew from behind me, and its really light like a bunch of feathers, feeling like I'm being lifted in the air.

The disappeared, and fluttered my eyes open to wee Astrid wide eyed. She was still holding my hand tightly.
"Astrid, you okay?" I asked her.
She didn't replied, instead, just look at me with her blue eyes shining in amazement.

She then pointed a hand at something from behind me. I turn my head, and saw a bunch of feathers, opened wide just like wings.

Wait, wings?

"Hiccup, y-your..." Astrid shuddered, trying to look for the right words that can describe what I am right now.

"The necklace." I said. I look down at the winged necklace I was wearing. Heather told me that it can help me to rescue Astrid. And since I'm not strong enough to fight Hades, it gave me the enough strength I needed.

"Ah!" Astrid suddenly shrieked in pain.
"Are you alright?" I asked her, as I aided her from falling down.
"Gogo, she needs help." She replied.
I turn to the direction where Gogo was, and saw her on the ground, her father pointing his triton at her.

Using my wings, I flew as fast as I could and aided the girl by hitting Hades with my feet, kicking him away from hurting Gogo.

Hiro might kill me if I let Gogo got hurt. "Thanks." She said standing up. And suddenly her haws dropped when she saw me.
"You didn't tell me your an angel." She glared at me.
"Um...I'm not.' I said.

"Look out!" Someone screamed, then a blue flame came and hit a demon that was flying towards us, disappearing like dust.

"Hiro!" Gogo called while waving.
"Thanks bro!" I said smiling at my twin.
"Nice wings bro." He winked and then went back to join the others, hoping on the coming dragon and left Toothless.

The black dragon landed beside me, giving me a huge lick.
"Ew! For sure this won't wash out." I complained, removing the slimy dragon saliva off me.

Astrid and Gogo chuckled at the same time.
"Hey!" Someone called again. We all turn around to see Heather, already wearing a silver armor.
"Cool, you get accessories." Said Gogo in sarcasm.
"I'm a warrior, and warriors only get armors, while princesses get the power." She said putting her hands on her hips.

"Did you took your father down?" She asked.

"Hahahahaha!" Hideous laughter was heard. The ground started rumbling, cracking the cement were standing right now.

"Aaaaaaah!" I heard Astrid suddenly screamed.

"Hahahaha! You'll never going to be saved by your friends anymore."
Gasps were heard behind me when we saw Hades was as tall like the highest tower in the world. He was holding Astrid in his giant hands like a small doll.

"Father! Let go of me! Aaaah!" Astrid's screams were hurting me badly, likening can feel her pain, the way Gogo can feel her pain as well.

My blood boiled when I saw how Hades hueted his daughter.



Guys! A few chapters more and MR is ending! Yay!

Okay, now I want to say thank you to all my readers and supporters for following the path of Misty Red, I'm so happy to have you by my side always. I love you so much Amacry :')

Alright, that's all for now, see you soon on the next chapter.


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