Chapter 17: BUSTED

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"Impressive." Astrid said smiling.

Even I was surprised, seeing the dragon, pressing its nose on my palm. But suddenly, the dragon removed his nose, and ram back inside the cave.

"Wow, I took about 7 hours to let him believe that I'm not a threat to him, and you just took about 15 minutes?" Astrid said a bit jealous.

"Well, I guess I'm a pro than you are." I teased. Astrid rolled her eyes, punching me on my shoulder. "Ow." I yelp.

I look at her, she was smiling at me, like I was a candy in a candy store, that a kid want to have and eat it.

" there something on my face that looked funny?" I asked her. She shake her head.

"No," she replied. "Well, I as thinking, its been three days, since we first met, and you already know my secret, and now...we kinda act like best friends."

Best friends? Didn't expect this would happen.

"But that doesn't mean, I will take it easy on you, your still my servant so you do your job right, or I'll do something you'll regret." She said, her voice turning to cold.

She turn around and walked away, leaving me alone.

Hmm...the usual attitude she gets everyday... I got used to it already...

I ran after her, trying to keep up with her speed, which was really fast. Even though I'm a runner, I still am human, and I have no kind of power that had legs like a cheetah, or a vampire like in the twilight saga series.

"Red! Wait up!" I called after her. Astrid stopped, hearing the name I called her. She turn around, smiling.

I stopped, in front of her, panting, holding onto my knees. "Wait...up...please." I panted. Holding onto my chest.

"Oh, why'd you followed?" She asked. "Well, I'm your servant, I'm suppose to follow you wherever you go." I replied, now catching my breath.

Astrid smiled, looking at the watch on her wrist. "Aren't you going home already?" She asked.

I took put the watch in my pocket, seeing its already 8:30 p.m.

"Shit! I gonna be grounded because of this." I said. I was about to go and ran back to the mansion, but I remembered, I don't know where the exit of the cove is.

I look at Astrid, who was standing there. She raised an eyebrow, tilting her head a bit, like she was thinking. "Oh right, no worries." She said spreading her wings wide. She then raised a hand towards me. "Let's go. I'll take you home." She said smiling, her blue eyes twinkling.

Without even knowing it, my hand already touched hers. She entwine our fingers together and flew up in the air, and lifted me up with no sweat.

We are now above the trees of the forest, where the cove was, and above the mansion of where Astrid was living in. I can see the view of the city of Berk from here.

I look at Astrid, who was focus on flying in just a normal pace, her eyes still twinkling with wonder. As a smile slowly stretched her lips.

I look down at the view below, which was a bit scary, cause were like...10 feet from above the ground? And maybe, my hand slipped out of Astrid's grip and I will fall?

"Hey." Astrid called. I look up, seeing her, looking down at me. She lifted me even more, letting me arm wrap around her waist, making me blush a bit, but I manage not to get it obvious, now that she's really near me.

"Where shall I drop you? Outside your subdivision? Or outside your house?" She asked.

"Uh...anywhere you like...I-I'm okay with it." I replied stuttering.

Shit! There came the stuttering again..

Astrid look at me, and just shrug, and continued flying, this time a bit more faster.

We pass by the tall buildings of Berk, the streets below, still quiet during the night, empty from cars.

"Its feeding time." I heard Astrid whispered.

"What?" I asked her. Astrid's eyes widened and shake her head, nervously, she said, "N-nothing."

Astrid and I reached the subdivision, I thought she will drop me down the gates of the subdivision, but we went inside, we stopped in front of my house, by the garage.

"Thanks for the ride." I said smiling at her. "Your welcome, so that means you have to work double time tomorrow, since its Saturday, whole day work." She said.

I just nodded my head. "Okay." I chirped and turn to the door. "Bye." I bid at her. Astrid waved and left, as she snapped her fingers.

I went inside the house, and was surprised to see dad, standing by the living room, his face looked depressed.

Oh no... Here comes grounded.

I went in font of him, "Dad I'm sorry I-"

"Is it true?" He asked, cuttig me off. I raised am eyebrow, completely confused of what he asked. "What?" I ask him.

"That you had a girlfriend already?" Dad asked me. My eyes widened, as my jaw went open.

"D-dad..I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to did obey you-"

"Hah! What a news! My boy is already a man!" Dad said proudly. I raised an eyebrow, on how odd it is for dad to be this happy. Did I do something? Well except that I had a girlfriend. Wait...fake girlfriend.

In the corner of my eye, I saw my brothers, standing by the steps, smirking at me.

Oh..those two...can't stop their mouths from blabbing!

"So, who's the lucky girl?" Dad asked me.

"Uh..." I uttered trying to speak, but nothing came out.

"I want to meet her, and get to know her." Dad said, not waiting for me to even say a proper word.

"What?!" I shriek. "But dad!"

Dad didn't listened, instead, he started singing.

I'll swim and sail the savage seas with ner a fear of drowning!


"Call your girlfriend, and tell her to meet me first thing in the morning, we have business to talk about." Dad said seriously and walked to the stairs. My brothers ran back upstairs, as dad was still singing the silly song he and mom loves ever since they started dating.


"Dang it!" I cursed.


This chapter was a bit boring, sorry guys, was with my crazy side again.

Anyways, how's the book doing so far? And thank you for 1k reads! Its a lot for this week! Yay! Hope you keep on reading till the end.

Thanks a lot again! Bye!

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