Chapter 7: Rose Tatoo

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"Please stop." I begged as I watch the girl, still smiling at something.

I then unroll my curtains and went to sit down on my bed, wiping a sweat off my forehead.

"Fuck, what is she doing here?" I ask myself as I look at my covered window. I took a slight peek at the street below, where she was before, and now she's gone.

"Looking for me?"

"Aaah!" I screamed, hearing the voice of the freaking devil in front if me, with a sweet innocent smile.

"H-howd you get here?" I ask as I was panicking, making me fall on the floor, followed by a few things from the table by the side of my bed, which I accidentally hit with my arm.

"Nothing, just wandering around." She replied, looking around my room, removing her hood, and walked around, to my study table.

I stand up, not leaving my eyes at her, feeling myself gonna faint.

My chest is pounding so fast, it made me ran out of air, until my vision starts to blur, until I fell unconscious.


I woke up, seeing the face of my black fat cat Toothless, his eyes looking at me, as he pat me with his paw.

"Oh, h-hey bud." I said, as I pick up the fat cat, and sit up, seeing Mochi, Hiro's fat cat, while looking at me with cute round eyes.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask the two, but they just give me cute looks, as they meowed.

I stand up, feeling I was gonna fall, but thanks to my instincts, my hand landed on my side table, giving me support to stand up.

But a few of my things fell on the floor, so I went to pick it up, and notice that there's something drawn on my hand, near the wrist.

I look at it, and it was a ratio of a red rose, with my name wrote on it from under.

"Who did this?" I ask myself, trying to remove the tattoo, but it won't come off, I even use alcohol, and rinse water on it.

"Oh forget it." I said, wiping a towel on my arms to dry the water off.

I walk back to my desk, fixing my paper work, and saw a red paper, with something on it.

"You have become my slave from now on, and that tattoo is the symbol that you belong to me."  -Astrid.

Me? Her slave? Not in her fucking dreams! I'm too handsome to become a slave. Well, am I?

I crumpled the paper and threw it at the trash bin, and fix the rest of my paper work, and headed downstairs, for dinner.

I saw my brothers, watching T.V. on our favorite movie, "The Devil's Slave". A horror movie that gives us the creeps, and its also the best movie ever made in all horror movies.

"Oh great, I get to see the climax again." I said, sitting down beside Hiro, and took the popcorn from him.

"You've been asleep for two hours." Tadashi said, as he puts popcorn in his mouth, eyes not leaving the screen.

"Yeah, was really tired." I lied, and just watch the movie.

The part was when the Devil princess, which was 14 years old, was punishing her slave, which was a 15 year old boy, whom who had a love interest with the princess.

I love this movie a lot.

"So, I heard you and Red were close friends already." Said Hiro.

I widened my eyes, almost choking on my popcorn. "Who told you that?" I ask him.

"The three boys named Tuffnut, Snotlout, Fishlegs, and a girl named Ruffnut, whom was my classmate in Robotics." He replied.

"As-I mean, Red and I are not friends." I said. Hiro look at me with a raised eyebrow. "Really? You two kinda look close already, the way the three boys describe you two." Said Hiro.

"Believe me, were not even on things, she's different from other students in the school, unlike her she's mean." I said, crossing my arms as I focus on the movie.

Hiro then elbowed me, a naughty smile on his face, "Ayiee!"

I know what this means.

"Don't even think about it Hiro, I'm warning you." I said, glaring at him, he just rolled his hazel colored eyes.

"Suite yourself." He said and just smiled, the naughty way, when he was thinking of something, which is not even true.


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