Chapter 42: Secret

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Astrid's Story (9 years ago)

My sister and I were playing around the grounds of our house in the human world, playing tag together while the dead were working around the house.

"Hey Astrid, why don't we go troll hunting? I bet that's fun." Suggested my sister as she stopped from running.

"Trolls? Do they even exist?" I asked.

"Well yeah, they do, don't you believe in them? Or maybe your just scared." She teased, while crossing her arms.

"Pshk! Me? Scared? Of what? I'm not scared of anything." I said confidently, while showing my wings, still little like a hatchling size.

"Don't show off that wings of your sister, mine is bigger than yours and more stronger." She said showing her own wings as well.

"Hmph! I'll show you, okay, I have a deal, if I found a troll first, from above, I have the bigger and stronger wings, but when you found one first, then you will have the bigger and stringer ones." I said.

Even though its a stupid deal, my sister agreed to it. "Deal." She said excitedly.

"On your mark...get set..." I said as I raised a hand, preparing my wings to fly.

"GO!" We both said in unison and hovered above the sky, and started searching from above ground for any troll we could find.

As Gogo and I were busy tracking a troll, I notice something from down below, its not a troll, but it looks like an opening of a cave.

"Hey Leiko, look." I called and pointed at what I saw. "What is that?" She asked curiously. "I think its a cave." I replied.

"A cave? Wow, jackpot! I bet trolls were in there." She said. "Let's go check it?"

"I'm not so sure sis, its too dangerous that we go all alone without father knowing where we were." I said, rubbing my thumb on my chin.

"Oh come on Astrid, father doesn't have to know, besides,were together, and we have our spells to help us if there's something in there that might harm us." Gogo said elbowing me.

I look down at the opening, thinking of the things that might happen if we go in there. "Besides Astrid, adventure can only be found once here in the human world." Said my sister.

"Fine," I sighed. "Let's go." And I dove down, between the trees and landed in front of the opening.

My sister landed beside me, folding her wings and resting it on her back.

Gogo marched inside first, as I followed behind her. "Lei, I'm not sure we should do this." I said looking behind to the opening.

"Don't be such a scardy cat twinsie." Gogo said still walking deeper.

I growled and was about to turn back and leave, but Gogo called me. I growled as I stomp my way towards her.

"What?" I asked. Gogo's face looked amazed, and I didn't even know what's so amazing. Or maybe she had gone crazy?

"Look." She said pointing at something. I followed what she was pointing with her finger and gasped when I saw a giant, looking lizard?

Wait, its not a lizard, its a dragon! "Dagon?" I asked. Suddenly Gogo walked towards the sleeping reptile, making me panic of what she was doing, is crazy!

"Leiko! Don't!" I whisper yell, but she didn't listened.

"Leiko! No!"

But it was too late, the dragon woke up, and stand up, it was so big that it was as tall as a tree.

"Leiko! Run!" I yelled. That made the dragon roared out loud and spread its wings wide that it hit Gogo making her flew to a nearby tree, her head, hitting the tree trunk hard, making her collapse.

"No!" I screamed. The dragon then roared at me, so loud that I felt myself trembling and fell unconscious.

~End of Story~

Astrid's P.O.V.

"Leiko forgot everything after that, and it took two years to make her remember things, except the part about the dragons, we didn't let her remember that." I said, as watch my sister walk near Stormfly and Toothless.

"Leiko!" I called out loud. Gogo look at me with wide blue fierce eyes.

"Stay away from them!" I yelled, feeling my skin hair stand on end on what my sister had showed me.

"Leiko, I warn you, get away from them." I said coldly as the wind in the gym blow hard.

"Fine! Sheesh! Chill OK?" She said and walked beside Hiro and muttered something I cannot hear.

"Chill babe, you got me nervous." Hiccup said as he helped me back to sit down. But what caught me most, is when he called me, "Babe?"

" calm you down." He said chuckling nervously.

I smiled, "Thanks." And gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"So, what's your plan now?" Hiccup asked. "Just follow what I said and instincts, we will stop my father with his plans." I replied and glared into space.

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