Chapter 16: Winged Friends

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A smile stretched in my lips, as I stated at the place, where I thought that these creatures might be impossible.

The creatures that I have believed, to be just in stories and imaginations, can be real. As in..real!

"Dragon?" I asked Astrid with a smile on my face.

Astrid nodded her head and smiled, a very wide one. Suddenly, a blue dragon with a little yellow ran towards us. I was about to run when Astrid held my hand, stopping me from running.

"What the fuck?! Let go!" I ordered. But Astrid just smiled at me.

"Just stay still." She said. I raised an eyebrow at her. Is she insane? And even thinking? Those dragons might kill us, and tore our limbs off and eat us!

But even though I'm feeling scared, I stayed still, and just look at the dragon, who was walking towards us. The dragon then stopped when it reached in front of us, and smelled us.

"Astrid, I don't want to die yet." I said to the girl beside me in gritted teeth as a sweat fell downy forehead in nervousness that this could be my end.

The lass beside me just chuckled like she didn't care. The dragon then opened its mouth. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see the scary looking teeth that will kill me.

Thor, just look after my family, even Hiro, he will need a lot of support! I'm all he trusted every time, but now that I'm gone, I want you to grant Mr one last wish, please don't let Hiro get into danger!



Huh? Did the dragon just licked me?

"What the..." I yelped, as I was being tackled on the ground as the dragon still licked my face.

"!" I groaned as I tried to push the dragon off me, which it did got off me. I stand up, wiping away the sticky saliva of the huge beast.

"Oh shot!" I cursed. Astrid was laughing her head off as she held her stomach.

"Ha.ha. very funny your highness." I hissed wiping more off my coat, which was my uniform in serving the princesses.

"Well, you should have known this was coming." She said in between laughs.

What?! How should I know? I didn't even know that there are dragons living in the world?! Huh? Burn!

Astrid smiled, an innocent way, and headed towards the dragon who just bathed me with sticky saliva.

"Did that guy just hurt you Stormfly?" She cooed at the dragon while scratching its chin.

I watch as she played with the dragon, like it was a baby, giving out laughs and giggles from her red lips.

Wait, what am I saying?

"So, Hiccup, want to know more dragons?" Astrid asked me. I tilted my head a bit, thinking if should I? Or shouldn't I?

"They won't bite, right?" I ask her. She shake her head. "No," she the smiled, a playful one. "If they're not hungry."


"Ahahahaha! Just joking, of course not."

She handed out her hand, I look at it for a while, but I took it anyway. She ulld we deeper inside the cove, seeing a lot more dragons and hatchlings.

There's a very big pond found at the center of the cove, with a lot of fishes found in the water.

There are a lot of kinds of dragons that can be found, Astrid named some of them.

The Deadly Nadder, which was a kind of dragon who just licked me. A breed of Monstrous Nightmare, a dragon that can turn itself on fire. The two headed Zippleback, the scary looking Gronckle, and many more species can be found.

"Is this the reason why you won't let Gogo in here?" I ask her.

"No." She replied. "I don't want Leiko to be in danger again."

Danger? What kind of danger?

"Well, we have a history about dragons, and Leiko lost her memory because of it." She explained.

"Oh, okay." I said. I wanted to ask her about what the story is, but I just kept my mouth shut. Cause for sure, her mood will change again. Don't want to have bad vibes growing around us.

"So, is that all the breed of dragons?" I asked her, while changing the topic. Astrid beamed, glad of what I said. "We have something here." She said, grabbing my hand.

Suddenly, I felt something ran down my spine, giving me shivers.

"Hurry up Hicc." Astrid said excitedly. I chuckled on her excitement, and keep pace with her, since she was a bit faster than me, I kind of have a hard time catching up with her.

We suddenly stopped by a cave. "What's in there?" I asked her. Astrid smiled, stepping a bit forward to the opening of the cave.

"Come out boy." She cooed, like she was calling for someone from inside. Astrid started doing a different kind of whistle which is kinda hurting to the ear.

And there came something from the opening of the cave. A nose, wait, no...a head.

And there came a black colored dragon, with eyes like a puppy, and came running around Astrid like it wants something from her.

"Of course I have something for you." Astrid said,snapping her fingers, and came a fish just appeared by her palm. She fed the fish to the dragon, and it gobbled it up whole.

"Wow." I gasped, amazed of what I was seeing right now.

Astrid then went to me, grabbing my hand and pulled me towards the dragon.

"Meet the new member of our family." She said gesturing at the dragon, who was looking like a puppy in front of me.

"He's new?" I ask her. Astrid nodded. "Found him last night when I was having a stroll around the forest. He was hurt really bad, his tail wing was torn off because of a trap." She explained.

The dragon showed his tail, with only one tail wing. "Poor thing needs to be healed and had to have a lot of attention, and he's still young."

I nodded my head, looking at the dragon. I extended a hand out slowly, wanting to touch the dragon. "You better be careful, he might bite. Astrid reminded. I nodded my head, stepping a foot forward, slowly at the innocent dragon.

The black reptile just stared at me, looking confused for sure, and his eyes turned fierce cat-like form. But that didn't stop me, I closed my eyes, avoiding to look at it.

Until I felt something pressed against my palm.

I open my eyes, to see...

The dragon pressing its nose on my hand.

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