Chapter 29: Stalker

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Astrid's P.O.V.

"Jared, not really a common name for a baby girl, but I'm impressed you have accomplished t without failing many times, good, plus 10 points on the quiz." Mr. Peters said while examing Jared.

He gave me Jared and started writing something on his  teacher's notebook and smiled.

"You may go back to your seats." He said. Hiccup and I nodded and went hack to pur seats, I place Jared on the baby carrier that Hiccup's father gave us, and sat down on my chair and started reading on the old book that father gave me.

I still remember the day he gave me this book, he told me it was a hundred years old, it was from his great great grand father, Solomon. This book contains the fate of every first born, it was the book that the eldest child shall follow on her tracks, its passed to many generations, and when I already have a child, I will give it to him/her.

I look down at Jared, who was looking at me while playing with the end of my braid.

Impossible, she's a robot.

But maybe, if maybe, I'm still alive, and have a child, I will have this book given to my first born.

"The eldest underworld child, will kill the first man he/she had encountered since the day on her 15th birthday..."

I look at Hiccup, who was looking at me, no, to our baby robot, like he was examining her.

I will kill Hiccup?, no Astrid, you don't have any connection with that boy, he will kill you, so before he does kill me, I'll kill him first.

Yes, I will do that, and nothing can change my mind, not even a pesky feeling you call love.


After classes, Gogo, Hiccup and I, with Jared went to the gardens. We first made sure no students are already in the campus, and I summon the red and blue rose arch.

Gogo went inside first, I was about to go follow her, but Hiccup held my hand. I look at him, he was looking at the arch, I think.

"Are you sure that Jared is safe in there?" He asked.

I roll my eyes. "She's just a robot, and a baby, she cannot process anything of this, except if its learning or anything that can improve her knowledge about life." I said.

"Still, its part of our task, keeping our child safe."

Did he just said...'our' child?

I look at him with my eyes in amusement, I cannot believe that Hiccup really took everything this serious. Maybe this project is really something to him. Well, it is, his future is being held by this baby who was dangling on the carrier that was starpepd around me.

"Well, I'll make sure that Jared will never gonna be in danger back home, and those monsters will stay away from her." I said as I grip on Hiccup's hand.

He look down at me while smiling. A genuine smile that I can feel my heart was beating faster than the normal heart beat.

Calm yourself Astrid...

"Let's go." I said while avoiding my eyes at him and removing my hand from his and went inside the arch.

Baby Jared and I arrived in front of the mansion garden. Gladly we are, I don't want those zombies to see this baby. They might attack her, the way they did to Hiccup when he first came here.

I went to the porch steps, and to the door, but stopped, when I sensed something from the rose bushes.

I look behind, but was being hit by Hiccup, making me and Jared fall on the ground.

"Aaaah! Gaga!" Jared coed. "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to hit you." Hiccup said while helping me up. "I-its okay." I said, unstrapping the carrier and gave it to Hiccup. "Take her to my room, I prepared a baby bed beside mine, you can put her there." I said.

Hiccup nodded and went away. I look back to the bushes, sensing that there's nothing anymore behind it. I rolled my eyes and went to follow Hiccup to my room.

"Uh...Astrid, do you have any milk? I forgot to bring any." Hiccup asked as he placed Jared down on the baby bed.

"I'll call Myra to get us some." I said and pull the rope that was dangling near my dresser table.

"Myra will be here any minute." I said and headed to my closet and get to change.

Hiccup's P.O.V.

Myra, the 3,000 year old witch came in while taking a bow. "You called master Hiccup?" She asked in a deep husky voice.

"Uh, can you get me a pitcher of fresh milk? And if you can find a baby bottle, please bring me one, thank you." I said.

"Your daughter sir?" She asked. I look at her and nodded. "Well, not really a real child, she's a robot me and princess Astrid made."

She smiled and left.

Astrid came back, wearing a normal black dress, her hair in a pony tail, her eyes were red, so as her fringes.

I wonder what made her furious again.

"What's up?" I asked. Astrid then went to look down at Jared, who was looking at her with fear. But Astrid gave the baby her finger. Which Jared giggly took and put it in her mouth.

"Someone is following us." Astrid whispered while secretly mentioning to the window. I raised an eyebrow, while taking a slight peek at the window, seeing a shadow.

Gogo suddenly came in, as the shadow was gone. "Someone just entered the arch, a mortal." Gogo said furiously, her eyes deep blue, together with her purple fringes.

"I knew it!" Astrid snapped, removing her hand gently from Jared and ran out of the room. Myra came back with the pitcher of milk I ordered.

"Myra, watch over Jared while were gone." I told her as Gogo and I followed Astrid out of the room. I saw the blonde girl kick a glass window and jump out of it, which I was surprised to see it that I ran after her, jumping out of the window.

"Aaaah!" I screed out loud and landed on a pile of fallen leaves. "Oof!"

"You!" I heard Astrid yelled. I look up, seeing her standing in front of a rose bush.

"Come out there or I'll make sure you'll be hurried alive!" Astrid warned.

Suddenly, the rose bush shakes, and there came a Raven coloured hair. Followed b the whole face, which I highly recognise who it was.


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