Chapter 14: DOE?

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I followed Astrid as we enter our lab, the empty pots grew flowers on them, usually red roses, the lights turn on, on itself, as Astrid flick her wrist.

She went to her side of the lab, putting her bag down at the side and sat down on her chair, as she started doodling again.

I went to my side, planning for something to do. Since I haven't thought of something to do since yesterday.

I get a notebook and a pencil, while thinking, I hummed a song to distract me while I'm filling in some ideas that might put in my mind.

♪She's talking to Angels
Counting the stars
Making a wish on the passing car
She's dancing with strangers
Falling apart
Waiting for Superman to pick her up
In his arms....yeah...♪

Hmm..I've always wanted to fly like Superman...

"That's it!" I thought out loud, that I almost jump out of my seat.

"Thinking of something nerd?" Astrid asked. I turn to where she is, and saw she already build something, that looks like a gun.



I walked down the road that was covered with fog, making me confused of where to go.

Even though I'm not sure what place I am now, I still walked straight ahead, as I called the names of my brothers.

"Hiro! Tadashi!"

The fog was starting to fade away, and I can see the road I'm taking. And I saw...

"What in Thor's name?" I cursed, as I saw bodies of dead people, all bloody. Some had their heads off, some had slices on there neck and wrists.

And some we're being stabbed and had their limbs torn apart as blood was dripping out of them.

I was so surprised, seeing these bodies, all scattered on the road, like they we're being assassinated all together at the same time.

I then heard chuckling sounds. A man chuckling out loud like a mad man, like my dad likes to call it.

The fog was now gone, and by the other side of the pool of dead bodies, where a man was standing, with gray colored hair, a pair of red eyes, he was wearing a black suite, with a red rose by his chest pocket, and he was holding a hand of a small child, with long blonde hair in a braid, with red streaks on her fringes, with bloody red eyes, who was holding a gun in her other hand.

"Very good my heir, you have done it perfectly." Said the man to the little girl beside him. The girl smiled, her eyes showed a twinkle like a knife with blood on it.

"Now, finish the job." The man whispered to her. The little girl nodded and raised her hand where she was holding a gun.

And fired...



"Hiccup!" Astrid called, waving in front of me, calling for my attention.

"What?" I ask her.

"Your staring into space." Astrid replied, crossing her arms.

"Oh, sorry, was just thinking of something." I replied, ruffling my hair in a messy way.

Astrid sat by my work table, as her eyes turned red looking down at me. "Care to share?" She asked me. I just shake my head, "its nothing really, its nonsense."

"Well it is to me." She said coldly. "Why do you have to be the one who wants to know everything of what I thinking? Your not my mother." I snapped. Astrid rolled her eyes, "Your my servant, and I'm suppose to know what your thinking dumbass!" She hissed.

I sighed, "Believe me, its nothing, just a stupid bad dream." Astrid nodded. "Okay then." She said and hopped of my work table, and placed a white rose on it.

I look at her confused.

"A white rose? What for?" I ask her. "For good night dreams tonight," she replied. "Place that on a vase, and place the vase on your side table surrounded by colorful stones, and pray to Odin."

I was surprised to hear this to Astrid. She was sincere, and I can say that...she's not that bad after all.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask her. Astrid shrugged. "Don't want my servant to be tired tomorrow and looking like a zombie and at work will have a saliva rilling down his face." She giggled.

Wow, I never knew Astrid can be cute when she giggles...wait what?

Astrid smiled, like she read my mind, well of course she does. "Thanks for this." I said with a smile. Astrid nodded her head.

"Your welcome, your taking an advice from the DOE, and that means, minus on your allowance." She said and walked her way back to her work desk.

"DOE?" I ask her curiously. Astrid look at me, her eyes already back to its original blue color. "In short for Daughter of Evil, remember? The name you gave me."  She replied. it just me? Or I can see a sad look on Astrid's face as she said the 'Daughter of Evil'.

"Oh yeah." Was the oy thing I could say right now, kinda feeling guilty on seeing my mistress with a sad look on her face.

"So, what was your invention your planning to do?" She asked, changing the subject.

"Well, I was thinking of a flying suite, that had wings like as wide and big as a dragon, and can lift you up in the air." I explained, as I started drawing on my paper, the model of my latest invention, which I will call the "Night Fury Wings".

"Cool, that invention might work." Astrid said, walking back near me, and look at the paper where I drew my latest invention yet.

"You think its better it can be like propellers? I don't know, like a helipad?" She suggested.

"Actually your highness, what I'm planning to do, is to invent wings for humans, not propellers for humans." I said chuckling at her funny suggestion.

Astrid chuckled and nodded. "Your right, besides, who wanted to look like a helicopter?"

Astrid step back and let her wide and gigantic looking wings appear behind her back. A bunch of red and blue feathers that designed the wings.

"So, what kind of wings do you prefer to do? Dragon like wings?" She asked, like she was interested to know the results and the model I'm gonna do.

"Well, I'm interested on having bat-like wings, like the dragon I have drawn when I was a kid, which I called "The Night Fury", it had large bat-like wings, which for sure was in a epic." I explained.

"I already knew the style and modifications in your head." She said pointing at my forehead.

She hide her wings and walked back near my desk.

"So, what can I do to help?" She ask.

"Well if your interested on doing twist and turns of screws." I replied smiling.

Astrid nodded her head. "No problem chief!"

I chuckles of what she called me. Astrid looked cute when she's smiling like a little girl. Wait, she is a little girl in 14.

Misty Red (Hiccstrid)Where stories live. Discover now