Chapter 40: Devils Arise (part two)

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

"Host hold still buddy, we just need for this wing to be attached, don't worry, it wouldn't hurt." I said as I buckle the belt of the attachable tail wing.

"You okay there sweetie?" I asked Jared, who had a butterfly on her nose.

I giggled as I saw her sneeze, she really makes me think that she's a real kid, like she's really my daughter. I just hope she really is.

But I'm too young to be a father.

"There!" I said.

"Now let's just test if this thing works." I said as I saddle up on his back. I also made a saddle for him, so that I can hold onto him, and won't fall off.

"Okay, let's have a test drive." I said.

Toothless spread his wings, as I step on the pedal that was connected to his tail wing, so it can spread wide open.

It was camouflage with black, so its not really obvious that its a retchable wing.

Toothless then jump in the air, flying like a crazy dragon, making me scream.


I hold on to him tightly, Jared in my arms, squealing like she didn't realize that were going to die any time soon.

Suddenly, the gust of the wind that was flowing around me was now calm. I open my eyes and lifted my head to look around.

Were now flying just slowly, not really slow, just a little slow than earlier, that my would almost jumped off my body.

I look behind at the tail, seeing it was working really fine.

"Wow...first try didn't failed." I said.

"Yes!" I cheered out loud that I stood up from my seat.

"AAAAAAAAAAH!" I screamed when I fell of Toothless, and landed on the water, by the lake.

Good thing I'm good at swimming, and its a good thing that Jared...wait...where's Jared??!

I look around, to look for the baby robot, seeing it wasn't with me, or anywhere.

"Jared!" I called out loud. "Toothless!"

Then a black figure appeared behind the bushes, it was Toothless and, "Jared!" I said and rose out of the water, running towards the dragon and the baby.

"Oh I'm so glad your okay." I said and patted Toothless' head.

"Dada googoo!" Jared cooed, reaching for me.

I lofted her up and kissed her cheek, making her squeal.

"Let's go, I have to leave you with the helpers in mommy's house, you need to be safe." I told Jared, and mentioned for Toothless, to follow.

Astrid's P.O.V.

I arrived at the city, seeing that there are monsters, roaming around the city. Zombies, reapers, ghosts, and many more demons that I recognise as the people who work for my father.

I then look for Gogo, and I sensed that she's at school, where for sure, students are there.

I quickly headed my way there, I put the hood of my cape over my head, to hide my appearance.

The zombies were attacking homes, trying to find people to scare, I just hope these zombies don't eat brains, ghosts were haunting the others, while the reapers were just roaming around, doing whispers.

"If only I can just make them disappear in just one snap like my father." I muttered.

I arrived at school, which wasn't affected with the Apocalypse that was happening. For sure Gogo made the spell I told her to do, the school was empty with students outside.

So I went inside the buildings, seeing the students were gathered in rooms,doing prayers.

The prayers were kinda making me weak, so I just ignored them and head to find my sister.

"Gogo!" I called, as I entered the gym, seeing her, Hiro, Tadashi, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, Snotlout and Fishlegs, also with Heather, gathered around.

Heather and Gogo were fighting, the others trying to break them apart.

"Its your fault! You and your sister! If you haven't come here, this wouldn't happen! Now what?! People are in danger and scared of what your people are doing!" She yelled.

"Hey, Astrid and I didn't want this either! If you hated it, we hated it more, we don't want anyone to get into trouble, the reason why we moved here, is to have a normal, peaceful life, and we didn't even know our father is still watching over us, and trusts us that we will do the prochecy that is gonna happen!" Gogo yelled back, this time, her eyes turning bright blue, and fringes gone purple, her wings was growing on her back too.

"Enough!" I interrupted as I enter the grym, removing my hood, Stormfly was behind me.

"Oh, look who finally showed up, the reason of this mess." Heather spat at me, with her look in disgust.

If she's disgust with me, I'm more disgust with her, on being so judgmental.

"I have no time for your little insults Heather, I'm here for you guys to know that we should not just stand here and wait for those demons to get here and endanger those mortals." I snapped at her.

"If it wasn't for you, this wouldn't have happened!" Heather yelled.

"Will you shut the fuck up?! I'm here to help, not to waste my saliva on fighting over you, now, if you don't want to help, then go back to Valhalla, or wherever place you came from!" I hissed, glaring like swords at her. I can see in Heather's eyes myself, blood red eyes like a demon, but I don't care.

I turn to the others, who were looking afraid of me.

"No time to explain, but I'm on your side." I told them.

"O-okay." Snotlout said.

"Okay, how can we stop this?" Asked Hiro.

"Before I answer that, where are the others? The adults?" I asked.

"At the great hall, they're safe there, I just made a barrier to protect them."

"Good, and now you guys, make sure the students and teachers were okay." I said pointing to Ruffnut and Tuffnut.

"While you two, are coming with us, you have to get to the Great Hall to watch over the adults." I pointed at Fishlegs and Snotlout who are looking at me with fear.

"Don't fear me yet, this is just stage one." I said and turn to Hiro, Tadashi and Gogo.

"And what can we do?" Tadashi asked.

"Your with me, ripping off some demon intestines." I replied, as I grew roses from the ground. But not just any ordinary roses, they bloom together with weapons.

"Shut up." Hiro said as he grab the guns in front of him.

"Hep hep!" Tadashi said grabbing the weapon from him.

"What?" Hiro complained.

"Your too young to hold a weapon." Tadashi said.

"Ugh! Dude, do you have to do that right now?!" Hiro complained.

I roll my eyes, amateur.

"Fine." Tadashi said and handed the weapon at him.

"Now, you guys ready?" I ask them.

"Yes." They all said.

"Wait!" Someone screamed.

I turn around and...

Misty Red (Hiccstrid)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang