Chapter 9: Roses are like Red

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I gulped, as she turned and walk to her work table, where she was working on something.

I went to the work table that belonged to me, and just sat there, not uttering a word, and not making any movements, I don't want to startle the pretty and cute looking beast.

Wait, what?! Pretty and Cute?!

"So, Hiccup, what shall we do for today?" Asked Astrid, breaking the silence between us.

I turn my head, and saw she's about two inches away from me, already in her normal form, with a sweet smile on her face.

"Uh...I-I'm not quite sure." I replied stuttering.

She stand up straight, as she fixed her red skirt. "So today, is your first day working as my slave." She began, but I was taken aback of what she did. I was about to speak but shut my mouth.

"I know your against it, but sorry, your already signed for it." She smiled at me and went to a couch that was placed in the lab.

"I'm not born and raised just to be your slave." I rolled my eyes, as I turn my computer chair to her, crossing my arms, earning courage to talk to her like she was just a little girl. After all, she is a little girl.

"Well, you are now." She said, playing on a rose that just appeared on her palm. Which surprised me a lot, but I kept my gaze and attention to her, raising an eyebrow at her.

"And who are you to tell me that? And how old are you to tell me things to do?" I snapped, not really yelling st her, but just pointing out

She put a finger on her chin, like she was thinking what to answer my questions.

"I'm your mistress, and I'm fourteen." She answered smiling and played back on her rose.

I groaned, sinking on my seat.

Life is like hell.

"At least I sent you away from hell." She said. I look at her, confused at the same time, raising an eyebrow.

"Actually, your dragging me to hell." I muttered. "I heard that." She hissed, glaring at me.

"You just don't understand, that's why." She rolled her eyes.

Understand? What do I need to understand?

"Understand what?" I ask her.

She just shrug her shoulders, ignoring me. I sighed, and decided to ignore her as well, besides, this talk wouldn't get us anywhere. I just plug in my earphones and listened to the song Voodoo Doll by: 5 Seconds of Summer.

A few minutes later, the bell rang, saying its already end of the sub. I got up, leaving instantly, not wanting Astrid to call for me and will tell me something that I really don't wanna hear from her.

I ran down the pathways, till I reached the building, all the way to Robotics class, where I sat down at the same seat I sat down from yesterday.

The students came, as they stormed to their seats. The last person to arrive was Astrid, her face was expressionless, like she was mad at something...or someone.

She sat down beside me, as everyone went quiet. She tapped her on on her desk, echoing in the whole room.

Is this how the students fear her? Well, I fear her so much I could pee on my pants every time I hear the words "Its Tea Time."

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