I quickly went to the bathroom door to see what was wrong.

"You okay in there baby girl?" I asked, knocking on the door slightly.

I didn't get a reply, but a second later the door open a crack and I saw what Anna was so panicked about. There was a big purple and blue bruise forming on her lower stomach.

I shut the bathroom door behind me and moved over to her. I looked at her for permission before gently prodding the bruise which caused her to flinch.

"It's okay sweetheart. I'm sure it's normal." I tried to reassure her.

"It wasn't there this morning." She said, looking at me through the bathroom mirror.

She was right. It wasn't there this morning. I had given her a shot in that exact spot and it looked completely normal then.

"I know baby, but you're body is more fragile right now so I bet it's just from when the doctor pushed on your stomach or maybe it's just from the shots. If it gets bigger I'll call your doctor, but let's just try to enjoy this vacation." I suggested, placing my hands on her shoulders and giving her a reassuring look.

Anna nodded.

"Now get your bikini bottoms on and let's go!" I exclaimed, as Anna only had her top on and the sweatpants she was wearing this morning.

Anna went all red.

"What's wrong?" I asked confused.

"Um. I just realized I can't swim in a pad can I?" She asked, shyly.

My expression dropped. I had totally forgotten she was on her first period.

"Um no you can't. I have tampons. I can teach you how to use them." I said, sympathetically.

Anna nodded, looking away from me. I took that as my sign to go get them so I walked out of the bathroom and to my suitcase.

"Is everything alright?" Bella asked, sitting on the bed while applying sunscreen to her face.

"Yeah. I just have to teach her how to put a tampon in." I explained.

Bella gave me and "oh that" kind of look.

"Bet you didn't think you'd be teaching your daughter how to do that for awhile now, did yeah?" She asked.

I shook my head.

"I thought I'd be at least forty." I laughed, grabbing the smallest size tampon I could find and heading back into the bathroom to find Anna sitting on the closed toilet seat.

"You've gotta open the lid first silly." I chuckled, lightening the mood.

She forced a smile at me and stood up, lifting the lid and looking at me for more direction.

"Do you think if I just explain it to you you'll be able to do it?" I asked, knowing how uncomfortable she was being naked in front of people, even if it was just me.

She nodded again so I unwrapped the tampon and explained how the applicator worked and that she shouldn't feel anything and stuff like that before handing her the tampon and walking toward the bathroom door again.

"Let me know if you need any help." I said, before closing the door to give her privacy.

I waited outside for awhile without hearing anything from Anna. It shouldn't have taken her that long to get it right.

"Are you getting it?" I asked softly.

I heard a slight whimper in reply so I pushed the door open to find her sitting on the toilet crying to herself. She looked completely defeated.

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