Insecurity+Parenthood=Sleepless nights Chapter 39.

Start from the beginning


“Hey Ma.” I said walking into the kitchen of my mother’s house as she put up recently washed dishes.

“Hey baby boy, how are you?” I took a seat at the table and placed my head in my hands.

“I’m doing good … I guess, how are you?”

“I’m Fine … She smiled and put up the last of the dishes … So how did the visit with Cassidy go?”

“Same old same old, she had an attitude, talked a little, then wanted no forced me to leave.”

“Forced, wow that girl has an attitude on her, so she still doesn’t want to just sit down, look you in the eye and talk yet I’m guessing?”

“Who you telling … but um No, we haven’t gotten that far yet. But maybe we will at the divorce hearing in a few weeks.”

“Is it getting that close?” she said non chalaunt handing me a cup of coffee.

“Three more weeks … where are the kids?”

“Vocational Bible Study, it’s like a summer camp for them.”

“That’s nice, I bet they’ll love that.”

“Yeah, Kizza loves it, and to have the twins their with her she must be having a ball.” I chuckled.

“Yeah. Have you talked to Sadie lately?”

“Actually I haven’t … it's 4 o'clock here so it's about 7 there in California. I’ll have to give her a call.”

“Is she still engaged to that Carson kid? I just don’t trust him, his brother or anybody he associates with anymore, I may have to take her up on that offer and visit her in Cali !”

“That wouldn’t be too bad, get Cassidy away from this Maryland air and into some West coast air. The kids will love it at the beach I’m sure, you think about that Xavier.”

“Oh trust me, I am.”

“You want some more coffee?”

“No thank you, I have to go down to the baseball center and talk to coach, I heard the team may be under new management and I’ll have to re-nu my contract in time if I want to play next year.”

“That sounds important, you’d better get a move on.” I sighed and stood from my seat doing a few stretches.

“I am now … I gave my mother a hug and kiss … see you later ma.”

“See you later love you son. Drive safe.”

“Love you too.”


~*Sadie’s POV*~

“This is a nice surprise, dinner on the beach. Under the moon light and everything.”

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