I assured Ashton that there was no need for him to drop me off. It feels like I haven't been to this diner for years, but it has barely been a month or so. Tightening my grip on the strap of my bag, I pushed open the door and walked in. It was quite. There were maybe four customers. Looking around, my eyes caught a familiar figure slouching at the bar. Finn seemed to be half asleep. If a customer walked in they'd actually think he's asleep, but the tapping of his fingers against the bar's surface would tell otherwise. I approached the bar as I had to slip under it and enter the locker room. Finn snapped up once he noticed me approach his side.

"Sam," he exclaimed, almost too loud, catching some customers's attention.

"Hey Finn," I gave him a small wave.

Unexpectedly, he engulfed me into a tight, but quick hug. I didn't have time to react, which I was somewhat grateful for.

"Where are the others?" I ask, trying to distract my mind from hyperventilating over just being touched.

"Travis is loading some things in the back, and Jace is...Jace," he chuckled, shaking his head.

"He called in at least?" I asked, for some reason I found myself irritated. Could it be just the hormones?

"He did. Said he'd be here half an hour late."

Shaking my head, I told Finn I'd be right out as I had to enter the locker room. For some unknown reason, being here felt different. It doesn't feel like before.

Finn and Trevor helped me get back into working mood. Trevor, the most responsible, made sure I only worked by the bar, which I was very grateful for. I prepared the orders, dried some dishes, organized a bit, and sat in boredom. Finn was trying to keep us entertained as he told story after story which were succeeding in getting a laugh out of us now and then. But then, as the door opened and a figure stepped in, we seized into silence. We were suddenly all serious. Rick, the owner of the diner, walked to the bar and turned to take a look around the space.

"I see all's going well," he comments.

"Yes sir," Finn and Trevor murmur simultaneously.

I don't know why they're so intimidated by the guy. Maybe because he's the boss...I don't know.


I snapped my head up to meet Rick's eyes.

"I'd like to have a word with you please," with that he gestured with the tilt of his head to the back of the diner.

Gulping and wiping my hands on my apron, I took in a deep breathe and gave the guys an anxious look as I followed my boss.

I wasn't uncomfortable with Rick as we were in front of many people, not alone. The back of the diner was barely ever occupied by customers, for this reason Rick decides to have a word with his employers in this area. I never understood why he wouldn't just call us to his office which is right outside the diner in the building right beside this one.

"I see you're back to work," he starts.

"Yes sir, today's my first day back," I reply.

Rick nods his head for a while before he clasps his hands and places them on the top of the table between us.

"Look Sam, you were gone for almost a month," he starts.

Where is this going?

"I got a call from some friend of yours telling me you're sick and would like to take advantage of your vacation days," Rick stopped.

Pure Pain, Excruciating LoveWhere stories live. Discover now