Chapter 1

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Yay! I finally got around to editing this.  I didn't change much, just the format and some of the sentences.  I added in a little bit of detail, but it could still use some work.  Further editing on this chapter will have to wait till a later time as I'd like to finish other things.

For those of you who are new to my story, I hope you enjoy it.  I really did put a lot of effort into this.  I'm kind of disapointed that it didn't do better than it did in the Watty's, but it wasn't really up to me.  

Please point out any mistakes you find.  God bless!

IF you don't like this story, you should go give a quick to my other (*cough* better *cough*) story: Not Part of the Deal!

               ~xoxo Britt <3~


Finding Awenasa

Chapter 1

~Cocheta's POV~

My hands quivered as I stroked the black mane of my beautiful Appaloosa.  I leaned against his strong neck.  The breeze ruffled the layers of my light cotton skirt as I stared up into the sky.  A hawk flew over my head and landed on a nearby tree, its feathers glistening in the sun.

It had only been one day since I left my village, and already I was tired.  The plain lying before me was an open wide expanse of tall, green grass and beautiful flowers.  Sunlight beat down on my shoulders, causing my weathered skin to glow with a light layer of sweat.  My thoughts kept drifting back to the day before, when I had been talking with my father. 

He hadn't wanted me to go, but at least he had understood why I so needed to go.  All that mattered to me was that he had listened.  I’d wanted to do make this journey since I was a girl; since I was old enough to know about myself.  I needed to find her, my mother. 

The illegitamacy of my birth causes shame to my father, but no one else in the tribe thinks it matters anymore. What happened happened.  No one could fault him for falling for the daughter of one of the enemy; one of the Spokane. 

At least father knew about me from the time I was in my mother’s womb.  He had seen a vision.  His Great Spirit ancestor had told him to come for me at the opportune time.  He came, and whisked me away from my mother before she even knew.  The Great Spirit had told my father to save me.  Tribes like the Spokane had no missionaries. 

The Great Spirit wanted him to raise me in the religion of the white men, so I could have eternal life after death. My father was never one to argue with the Great Spirit.

A week ago one of our hunters caught a man who was trespassing on our land.  He claimed to be Spokane and said that he had a message for my father.  My mother was dying, and she was asking for me.  I knew, deep down, that I had to go see her before she died.  It was as if some primal nature had been turned on inside me. I had to know my mother, if not for a short time.  

My father had attempted to send men with me, to protect me, but I sent them back.  

They wouldn't be of use to me and would only slow me down.  By myself I could travel whenever I wanted to.  There would be no one to stop me and tell me to rest if I felt sleep was unnecessary. 

However, I wasn't completely alone.  True, the Great Spirit was watching over me, but I also had my horse.  My beautiful, strong horse, capable of taking me anywhere.  He was the one keeping me sane and I would stop only for him, even if I wouldn't stop for myself.

My thoughts drifted back to the present and I stared once again at the land before me.  I raised my hand above my head to sheild my eyes from the sun.  Years later I'd still remember the beautiful sights I saw along the way, but for now, all I could do was press onward.

~Joseph's POV~

"Come on Maria.  We need to finish packing.  And don't forget to douse that fire!  We don't want to be responsible for a wild fire, do we?"  I shouted as I strapped my pack to the back of my horse.

"Why can't you do it?" she asked as she lugged a bucket of water towards the fire.  Maria grunted with the effort.  I walked over and lifted it easily off the ground.  Pouring it on the embers until it stopped smoking, I gave my little sister a smug grin.  Then I put the bucket back in the wagon.

"That was so hard!" I said sarcastically and poked her in the side, causing her to giggle.  

Considering how heavy that bucket was and how far she had moved it, Maria was pretty strong for only being 13 years old, I thought to myself.  My mouth slowly turned into a mischievous grin.

"What?" she asked me, seeing the grin on my face.  A crease appeared between her brows as she looked up at me questioningly.

Without her noticing I reached back for the bucket.  Before she knew it I had splashed it on her and now she was drenched from head to toe.  Maria stood there, mouth gaping, her eyes wide with surprise.  Soon enough we were both keeled over laughing.

"Why'd you do that? Now I'm all wet!" she scolded me through bursts of laughter.  She tucked a strand of wet, blond hair that had fallen out of her braid behind her ear.

"Really? You're wet!? Now where'd you get that silly notion?" I teased her, poking her in the ribs.  Picking up my hat from its place on the wagon, I slapped it onto my head, adjusting it so it was at a roguish angle.

"Shouldn't we leave?" Maria asked once she had quieted down.  I gave off a big sigh, pulling off my work gloves and slapping them together before placing them inside the covered part of the wagon.

"Yeah, I guess.  Where are we headed again?" I joked.

"Silly, you know better than I do!" she said with a shove as I walked towards the horses.  I finished tightening their raigns and anything else needing adjusting, and then I hopped up onto the wagon next to Maria.

"Joe, when do you think we'll get there?" Maria questioned me, looking slightly worried.  She shivered and I reached back for a blanket and wrapped it around her.

"We'll get there," I snapped the reins and the horses started moving forward along the trail, "when we get there!"


So, chapter one.  How was it? Did I do good?

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