"Luke, she is so obviously lying. She's a liar and a whore, great pick." He snapped, and his words infuriated me, especially when Quinn sobbed once more.

"Quinn, leave the room," I said, but she shook her head as she pulled away.

"No." She stated, and I frowned as she wiped at her eyes but interlaced our fingers together.

"Oh, don't fall for that puppy dog crap. She's lying." Arnold said, crossing his arms over his chest and I clenched my free hand as I took a deep breath.

"Brother, if it was not for Quinn, I would have kicked your ass already, but since she is staying with me here, you are lucky." I snapped, and he scoffed as he pulled out a chair and sat down in it.

"She's telling the truth." A voice said from the doorway, and I turned to see Michael standing there with a sheepish expression on his face, with Calum behind him.

"Nothing happened." Michael said, walking into the room and standing beside Quinn, and she simply smiled up at him as he looked at Arnold.

"Of course you'd lie as well," Arnold snapped, and Calum even rolled his eyes as he walked into the room and leaned against the wall, "How long has this affair been going on?"

"There isn't an affair Arnold." Quinn yelled, running a hand through her hair and Arnold scoffed once more as he looked at her from his spot, "There couldn't be an affair."

"What do you mean, there couldn't be an affair?" Arnold said, and Quinn's eyes widened as she looked between Calum and Michael, the three sharing a knowing glance before Michael sighed and looked at Arnold.

"There couldn't be an affair, because I'm not interested in women right now." He admitted, looking to Calum and I was confused as Quinn simply smiled at him, and squeezed his hand gently.

"What?" Arnold snapped, and Calum rolled his eyes again as he looked at Arnold and then at me.

"Michael and I are together, but last night we had a fight. Michael and Quinn have been close since the beginning, and she's the only one who knows about us. We didn't want to tell anyone." Calum said, crossing his arms over his chest.

I simply nodded at the two, happy that they were together as it was none of my business who was attracted to who, as long as they are good together then it does not bother me.

Arnold simply shook with anger before he was gone, and Michael sighed as he looked between Quinn and I.

"I'm sorry about all of that, I knew Arnold would overreact so I grabbed Calum before coming down here," He said, and I nodded as the two looked at each other and back at me, "and could you please not tell anyone else?"

"Of course not Michael. I hope you know that I support you and will help you guys no matter what, especially as you two help Quinn." I said, and he chuckled as he nodded, and Michael and Quinn continued to walk out of the room, leaving Calum and I behind.

"I know you are in love with her already." Calum said, and I turned to face him, nodding in agreement as I licked my lips quickly and sighed.

"I can tell. You look at her as if she is the moon in the night sky. And yes, I mean the moon because people always say the sun but I always see people squint at it and make ugly faces. Plus the moon is much more beautiful." He said, and I rolled my eyes but enjoyed his comment.

"Thank you Calum, you are a great and true friend." I said, and he smiled at me as he nodded.

"She's a great girl mate, she'll make a beautiful queen and a beautiful wife." He said, clasping my back and walking away, allowing me to take Quinn away from Michael and I noticed that her sobs had now dissolved into just sniffles and I kissed her forehead.

The Goddess Test ◊ L.H.Where stories live. Discover now