There was one girl in the front row who glared at me as I did so, her hair was messily dyed and she had a jean jacket with a crop top underneath, and heavy make up on her face.

"That's wonderful, now Michael go to your class." The teacher said, and I blushed even more as he winked at me and left the class, and the teacher had me continue to stand at the front and introduce myself, and I was about to sit down when the bell rung.

Everybody rushed out of class, the girl from earlier bumping into me rudely and I frowned as I walked out as well, following the herd of students into the cafeteria and pulled my own lunch from my bag and sat down at a random table.

Loud laughs came from the front of the cafeteria, and I looked up but I wish I hadn't because Michael spotted me once again, and my palms grew sweaty as he walked over to me.

"What's your name?" He asked, his voice soft and I froze as he sat beside me, glancing up at him before looking back down at the tray in front of me.

"Quinn." I answered, fiddling with the apple in my hands and he nodded as he picked at his food from the tray, looking at me every so often.

"So why are you here? This place, well it sucks." He said, and I laughed slightly at the truth in his words.

"I moved here with my mom. She has an illness, and well, it's terminal. This is like her accepting the fact that she's ready." I said, not bothering to lie about why I was here and he frowned.

"Oh, erm I'm sorry about that." He said, a sympathetic expression coating his features and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I've learned to cope with it. It's just a waiting game now." I said, and he hummed along to a tune that was unfamiliar to me, popping a grape into his mouth and chewing slowly.

"So, how do you like it so far?" He asked, and I snorted at his question, and he gave me an amused glance.

"The only reason I'm here is for my mother." I said, and he rolled his eyes and nudged me with his elbow and I smiled again.

"It's alright I guess. Really small, and I feel like everybody knows everybody." I said, and he nodded as he looked around.

"Yeah, it is. Anyone been rude to you?" He asked, and I glanced around the room and nodded as I saw her, pointing my chin in her direction. He scowled as he stabbed at the tray in front of him with his fork, and I frowned.

"She's an idiot, ignore her." He mumbled, and I looked back at her to see her glaring at me and I quickly looked away.

"Why?" I asked, and he sighed as he looked up, and rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"She's uh, a friend." He said, but his voice was unsure but I nodded anyways, not really caring about his relationship to her and finished eating the apple and placed it in my napkin.

"What class do you have next?" He asked, and I showed him the schedule that I had recieved earlier and he nodded.

"Physics, Psychology and Art. I have the first two, but not art. I will gladly be late though and escort you to your art class." He said, and I smiled at him once again, something I haven't done in a while.

"Well thank you. When does fifth period start?" I asked, and he glanced at the clock on the wall and frowned, clearing up the area he was sitting in and I followed behind him, throwing away my own garbage and waited as he chatted with some other students.

"Alright sorry. Anyways it starts in like ten minutes, but I'll show you to your locker so you don't have to tug around that backpack for the rest of the day." He said, and I followed behind him as we left the loud clamor of the lunch room behind, and I smiled at the tranquil and peaceful feeling of the hallway.

The Goddess Test ◊ L.H.Where stories live. Discover now