I unloaded while I waited for everything to cook, only unpacking what we absolutely needed at this point, because there wasn't really a point to unpack when I'd just be packing it all back up again.

"It smells good." A weak voice said, and I smiled as she sat up from the couch and looked at me.

"Well, macaroni and cheese is my specialty." I said, and she chuckled as I brought a bowl over to her and sat beside her, watching as she took small bites of the noodles in the bowl.

"You should be all enrolled for class tomorrow. I know you won't like starting in the middle of the semester, but I want you to finish." She said, patting my knee and I nodded.

"Well, I'm going to bed. Wake me up before you leave, darling." She said, struggling to stand up until I offered her my hand and she smiled as she took it and went into the small bedroom, shutting the door behind her.

I sighed as I gathered the dishes up and placed them into the dishwasher, before glancing at the clock on the stove and I frowned. It was nearly ten already, so I changed and got settled on the couch, my thoughts keeping me awake as I laid on the uncomfortable furniture.

Each day I prayed to someone I thought protected over all of the creations that were placed on this earth, but each day I lost more and more faith.

My mother never really pushed faith onto me, nor did she push any of her beliefs either. She never really talked about religion before, I just learned from television shows and other kids around me.

The only story my mother really told me was about the Greeks, but those were just silly bedtime stories.

There were two that I remembered greatly, but the one that stuck out to me the most was how humans were created. According to legend, humans were originally born with four arms, four legs and one head with two faces.

However, the creator split them into two beings, and condemned mortals to spend their lives searching for their other half.

The other stories were about all of the Greek gods and goddesses that existed, and all of the different traits and characteristics that they had.

I never know why I remember the Greek stories the most, but it's always vivid in my mind. But I've always heard about God from those who were Christian, but never experienced the true faith and spirituality that others seemed to have.

Maybe it was because throughout my experience on this earth, was that I never had a true reason to believe.

Lately, thought I would try this out. There's always the adorable stories of how a family prayed away the illness, and it got my hopes up.

But now as we were at the final place my mother wanted to experience, I knew there wasn't a true God above us all.

I didn't know if there were any gods looking over humanity, only because it seemed as if there wasn't one.

Poverty, violence and illness littered this earth, and if there was a god, why wouldn't they have stopped it by now and created the perfect world?

I groaned as I rolled over on the small and uncomfortable couch, adjusting myself but I immediately got out of bed as I heard my mother whimper and ran to her room.

"Mom," I breathed as I opened the door, wincing as she was crouched beside the toilet in the bathroom and shook my head.

"No, Quinn you have school tomorrow. Go to bed." She whimpered, and I rolled my eyes at the stubborn look she gave me.

"I wasn't asleep anyways, now come on." I said, crouching beside her and pushed the small plastic cup of water  into her hands and she smiled weakly up at me as she took it and sipped slowly at it.

"Thank you. Now try and sleep my dear, you have a big day tomorrow." She replied, and I pressed my lips into a line but nodded as I helped her back into her bed once she brushed her teeth and laid down.

I slipped out of the room quietly, shutting the door behind me and collapsed back onto the couch, pulling the blanket over me and glanced beside me to see the clock reading three in the morning and I groaned.

This is just great.

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authors note - hello!! this is my new Greek A.U. with Luke :-)

I hope you guys about this!! this is probably one of my favorite Greek stories besides all of the stories by Uncle Rick (aka Rick Riordan) but yeah, totally stay tuned for the rest of the updates. I'll be fast updating and truly hope to see you guys comment & vote so I know if you like it or not.

thank you so much for reading! lysm :-)

much love ; becca

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