Chapter 2

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(A/N) the picture I just had too I found it on google I looked at it and just died.

Master Makorav's Pov

Lux is back. My granddaughter. The only one who needs to know is Laxus. I wonder how he would act when he finds out his baby sister came back to Magnolia. I saw Lux sitting on Laxus' chair in the corner with her feet up on the table and her eyes closed listening to her sound pod. Looks just like her older brother. Everyone was either fighting, drinking, or talking until the door was busted opened. No one said a word all you heard was the chains on Laxus boots as he walked up to me."We finished the job Gramps." He said lazily and started walking towards the staircase until something stopped him.

Lux's Pov

I had my eyes closed but i knew that scent and this magic energy.It was my big brother Laxus. I heard him walk to the staircase and i grabbed him from the collar with my lighting."What the Hell!!" he yelled i snickered."Who is doing this?! Gramps is it you?" Gramps looked at me and nodded and i smirked."Tch Tch Tch Laxus long time no see eh?" i said standing up and walking towards him."Who are you and how do you know me?!" he yelled at me and i didnt flinched.

I knew my brother knew who i was i saw it in his eyes.I laughed softly."Mmm I dont want to waste my time on a weakling like you Laxus.. So you can leave and go upstairs to your time out chair ok?" i said and let him go and then he looked at me with wide eyes."Lu-Lux" he whispered loud enough for me to hear it and probably all the dragon slayers here. He came up and hugged me and everyone had a 'what the hell' face on and i laughed."Whats funny?" Laxus asked and i pointed at everyone."T-Th-Their faces are like 'the fuck?!'." and he looked around and he chuckled.He knew not to say that we are siblings.

"Hey Listen up brats!" Gramps yelled. Everyone looked at him."We are competing in the GMGs this year!" He yelled and i smirked. I heard there was Dragon Slayer fight this year between the twin Dragon Slayers of Sabertooth and any other two Dragon Slayer. I smirked and Gramps saw my face and nodded. He knew what i wanted. I have been sending him letters for the past five years so he actually knew i was coming back. He also knew that I was training with Gildarts but didn't say anything to the guild because i asked him not to.

Laxus' Pov

I saw Gramps look at Lux and nod. hmm what are they planning? I thought. well if Lux thought of it then its a pretty good idea. But the idea that there is a fifty fifty chance she didnt and gramps did then we are doomed.

"Lux, Laxus, Natsu, Gajeel, Wendy come to my office please" Gramps order and I saw Lux smirking."You have something to do with this dont you?" i asked her she looked at me."Maybe, Maybe Not Laxus" she said and ran up the steps and i did the same. We were all in his office when i realized what they were doing. A team, a different team to compete in the GMGs so we have a better chance to win."Ok so you got it. you may leave except Laxus,Natsu,and Lux' we nodded and the others left.

Natsu's Pov

Cool a team of only dragon slayers. Sweet! We might be the strongest team in all of Fiore."Ok the reason why i have you three in here is because you guys are the best match for Sabertooth's twin dragon. Since we are the fifth strongest guild. We can have up to three dragon slayers in the match and they've talked to Sabertooth and they are fine with it." gramps said looking at me and i nodded and Lux smirked and it looked cute."We will make you proud Gramps we will be number one again" She said clenching her fist trying her best not to release any magic energy. "Now just a reminder.. you guys are to train together and get to know each other pretty well." Gramps said chuckling. It was funny because we already knew each other really well.

Erza's Pov

Gramps was talking to Laxus, Natsu and Lux. Then out of no where there was a quick source of magic energy that only Gildarts hold. Gray and I look towards the door but nothing. Gildarts isnt coming in and we didn't hear the ground shake or anything. Was it one of us down here or was it gramps trying to get something into Natsu head. The Two dragon slayers and Lux came out smirking like idiots. I should ask Lux what is her Magic. She sat down next to me and asked Mira for a lemonade."Here ya go!" she said and she smiled back.

"Thanks Mira." Now is my chance. "Hey Lux can i ask you a question?" she nodded drinking her lemonade. "What is your power. I mean since you've been gone for so long I'm pretty sure you've learned some more along the way." she smiled and nodded. "My Magic is Lighting Dragon Slayer and Fire Dragon Slayer and in five years of time i have learned and mastered Lighting God Slayer and Fire God Slayer." She said calmly. "Oh and some magic my trainer taught me that I can't tell you about until the GMGs." She said and I  nodded for the last part.

~Time Skip brought to you by Laxus Headphone's~

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