Chapter 31

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"I think you guys should talk." He said quietly. Nope. Their was no way in hell I was talking to him.

"Hell no." I said. I looked over to Luke and saw a sad expression on his face. I laughed. He's sad? Out of all people he is sad?

"Are you sad? Because last time I checked you were completely content while you were hooking up with Nichole! You're a bastard! First you make me feel like shit because you didn't believe me when I said Nichole was a bitch, but then you start hooking up with her! You of all people should not be sad!" I was furious. Michael and Calum tried to tell me to stop but I couldn't. All these emotions were pouring out of me and I couldn't stop them.

I wanted Luke to feel just as bad as he made me feel.


"Aria, look-" Luke began before I cut him off.

"No Luke. You hurt me, and that's something I will never forgive you for. You convinced me to go out with you before I was ready and this is where we ended up. I'm hurt because of you. You said you wanted me, so I don't understand why you would cheat on me? Especially with someone I told you I didn't like." By now I was completely in tears. Saying exactly how I felt out loud hurts. I don't even know if I could finish my rant.

Luke saw me in tears and I could tell he was trying to keep himself together.

"Baby, we can fix this. Please, I need you. I was at a really low point and I don't know why I did this to you but I am so sorry baby. I love you!" Luke looked shocked at what he said. Luke and I had said it to each other before, but that was before we had feelings for each other. I wasn't shocked though. I knew he only said it in the heat of the moment. It probably doesn't even mean anything to him. It certainly doesn't mean anything to me.

"We can't fix this Luke. We're just teenagers we don't know what we want yet, and I don't think I'm what you really want. Maybe when you grow up and still think you want me, we can try again. Until then, whatever twisted thing we had is done. I still love you, just not the way you think you love me. Goodbye for now Luke."

With that, I walked back inside my house leaving the only boy I've ever truly loved on my porch in tears.

The End


That was the end of Teenagers guys... ❤️

But here is the surprise 🎉 SEQUEL!!!11!!!1!

The sequel to this is going to be called *drum roll please* Grow Up

I will publish the first chapter in 3 DAYS! So if you want to read it as soon as I publish it you can follow me and get the notification!

I really hope you guys loved this story as much as I loved writing it ❤️

Thank you for your endless support while I wrote this 💕 I love you guys ❤️😭

See you all in 3 days :) love you

Teenagers • Punk Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now