Chapter 11

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"He's so sweet to do that for a date." Tori smiles.

"His blush is so cute. I kissed him on the cheek and he blushed."

"Adorable." Tori sighs. "I want that."

"Doesn't everybody?" 

"True. Can I stay over?" She asks

"Of course! Netflix and Nutella?"

"You know me so well." She smiles and walks to the projector room. I grab a jar of Nutella and head downstairs, to the projector room.

"Movie or TV Show?" She asks as I sit down on the couch downstairs.

"TV show. Duh."

"What tv show?"

"Once Upon a Time. Duh."

"I haven't seen that show yet." I gasp, then put my head in my hands.

"Why are we friends?" I say, disappointed. Tori chuckles.

"Once Upon a Time it is then." She says, changing the subject.

"The thing I don't like is that Netflix only shows the episodes up to season 6 but doesn't show season 6."

"Ya, well, I'm starting on season 1 so I don't think that's going to be a problem."

"Attitude. I like it." I laugh.

We spend the rest of the night watching OUAT and fall asleep around 2 in the morning.


First off, Connor is annoying as fuck. Second off, Tori is on her period. Third of all, my mom won't stop bugging me! It's the weekend! Can't a girl get some peace and quiet?

I told my mom about the horrible breakup right before I went on my date, so that she wouldn't ask me so many questions. Because I didn't let her speak yesterday, she won't stop asking me questions I can't answer. Things like, "Why would she do that to you?" Or "I thought he really liked you!" Or "Are you jealous because Lacey got Nick in the end?".

When Tori's on her period, she gets extremely needy. And if you don't satisfy her needs, she gets really mad.

"Did you really like Nick that much?" My mom asks.

"Roxy! Can you get me some chocolate?" Tori whines.

"You should've called me or something! How was I supposed to know that Tori was going to stay over? I was worried sick!" Connor yells.

I respond to Connor first as I get some chocolate for Tori. "Why am I responsible for this? Tori should've told you. After all, she's your sister. So please, stop yelling at me."

I hand the chocolate to Tori and she mutters a "thank you". I turn to my mom. "I did like him mom. But that doesn't matter. It's been 3 weeks. I went on a date and it went really well. I'm not going to dwell over something that's in the past." I walk back up to my room and I hear Connor follow me.

"Wait, you went on a date last night?" He asks.

"Ya. Why do you care?" I ask as I face him.

"Who were you with?"

"Cole. Why?"

"Be careful. I don't want you dating some guy who works with drugs or something."

"I can take care of myself, Connor. I'm not going to date a guy who has a history with drugs. I promise."

"You promise?"

"I always keep my promises, don't I?" I smile and he smiles back. He nods and heads back downstairs.

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