Before she left the room she grabbed her black hat and opened the door walking out of the room.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Allyson announced as soon as she saw her leaving the room.

Lauren started following Ally who was walking fast through the corridors.

They stopped walking when they were already standing next to the stairs which were connected to the stage.

"Good luck, kid!" Ally said as she quickly hugged Lauren.

"Thanks sunshine!" Lauren thanked her with a smile on her face.

The sound of the show's introduction song started filling the place as well as the fans' screams and whistles. For Lauren, that was the most perfect combination.

"Let's do this..." Lauren whispered to herself before entering the stage energetically.

The band started playing even louder and there were lights, smoke and fire all over the stage.

"Wassup Lisbon?" Lauren yelled into the microphone with a big smile on her face and with one of her arms raised in the air. The audience went crazy.

The rest of the show went as well as Lauren wished and she was more than satisfied.

"You slay my life, girl!" Dinah told Lauren as they were leaving the stage.

"I know I do!" Lauren said as she flipped her hair.

"That big ego tho..." Normani who was walking right behind them joined the conversation. Lauren turned her head and ironically smiled at her.

"Camila!!!" Camila had been the first one leaving the stage so she was already walking a few metres away from them. Camila turned her head to see a smiley Lauren running to her. 

"Lauren!!!" Camila yelled back at Lauren playfully and Lauren started walking next to her.

"You did great tonight!" Lauren complimented Camila.

"Oh! Thanks, Laur! You did too!" Camila told her "Did you see that girl holding a Camren poster?"

"I did..." Lauren said. Camila noticed the embarrassment on her face and giggled.

"They ship us hard, huh?" Camila asked playfully.

"Yeah... I guess so..." Lauren's embarrassment was still there. Camila was trying to contain her laugh.

"Do you?" Camila asked her.

"What?" Lauren had a confusing look on her face but deep down she knew what Camila was talking about.

"Ship us!" Camila clarified.

"I mean... I..." Lauren spontaneously started blushing.

"I was just kidding!" Camila said between laughs. 

"Oh!" Lauren exclaimed "Ok, I guess..."

"Shit! Do you really ship us?" Camila asked her with a surprising look on her face.

"Of course not! Do you really think so? No! Definitely no." Lauren immediately said a second after.

"Hmm..." Camila mumbled with a smirk on her face as soon as she noticed Lauren's nervousness while saying that.

Lauren kept walking with no courage to even look at Camila again.

"What a shame... I was going to ask you out for a dinner tonight..." Camila said faking a disappointing tone of voice.

"Were you?" Lauren choked into her own words.

"No. I was joking. Why? Did you want that to happen?" Camila asked her. Lauren had never felt so embarrassed towards a woman before.

L. Jergz (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now