I called Katherine's phone... Ringing....
"Angelica...." I heard her soft voice... I breathed in knowing she is safe... "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?" I heard Clarence's angry voice... I m totaled.... "I am okay, girls... Clarence...calm down!!!" I said with a sigh... What will happen when they will see me like this!? What will happen when they will know about my truth!? Oh....damn....

"DON'T YOU DARE, TO TELL HER TO CALM DOWN!!" Scarlett shouted... "You need to give us a damn explanation... Is to where you are??"
"I...I am in Vatican city..." I shrugged... And there was sudden silence...
"Guys...you there!?" I got up holding my phone even more closer... "I knew she will always tell the truth..." I heard Katherine's distant voice... Wait, what the hell she said...!? "Guys where are you!?" I got up, breathing heavily... "Outside Mr. Lockwood's house...." Clarence snapped at me....

Dammit.....they are here... Oh, crap!!! What I am gonna do!? How will Dad react!? Ooooooo.....

Gabriel's POV

I heard a knock on the front door... I could sense three humans standing outside... I looked over Mr. Lockwood... He turned his gaze toward William... William went ahead and opened up...

Three girls came in asking to have a word with Mr. Lockwood. They were asking about Angelica... They are her friends...

Angelica came running down the stairs... She tied her hair in a bun and put on a cap... Michael.. I called him... 'We got a situation...' He appeared beside me and was stunned... "How did these girls found her!?" He frowned... "I don't know... But I don't how they will react towards her..." He sighed... And we looked at Angelica....

Michael started to go towards her but I stopped him, "Let her do this alone... She is strong enough and they deserve to know her truth... Their lives are in danger and they will be protected well if they know about her..." He nodded and we watched it from a distant...

Angelica's POV

Scarlett came running towards me and hugged me tightly... If I returned the favour, I would definitely crush her bones....

"Dammit...why the hell are you here!?" She screamed at me but stopped when she looked me in the eyes... She took a step back... The last thing I want is to drive my besties away from me...I have to take it slow...

"Guys... I can explain everything just please sit down first... You must be all tired..." I tried to go near them but they flinched... "What is wrong with you...!?" Clarence voice sounded cold... "Take your damn cap off...!" She snapped back at me... Katherine took a step closer to me, " We are your friends, your family.... Please trust us...Tell us what is wrong!?"

I sighed and took my cap off and untied my hair... They all gasped at me... "That's it, you came here to paint your hair white... Are you insane!?" Scarlett's voice echoed in hall... "No." I took a step ahead and looked them in the eye...

"I am an Archangel's daughter... Daughter of Archangel Michael....."
They were now stunned... They weren't moving at all...
"That's a nice makeup by the way... But that joke is too damn awful... So, please stop it..." Katherine looked at me as if she is not at all pleased... Hell, I am telling you the truth...!!!

"Hold you hands... And I will show you..." They all looked at me but hold their hands together... I took one hand of katherine and one of Clarence... They all breathed slowly as I pushed them into trance...

I showed them everything....

When they opened their eyes... They had tears in them... So, mine had too...
They sensed my pain, my anger, my helplessness and my power too...
I opened my arms and they all came close to me...

Into the best hug I would have ravished for eternity....to come...

Hey, guys!!! Thank u all for your support and love...

I want to dedicate this chapter to my three best friends...
Neelam Shah as Clarence
Hetvi Shah as Scarlett
And Drashti Shah as Katherine....

My besties... Who can never be replaced by anything in this world..

Love u guys so much!!!

Happy wattappading!!!

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