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You know those long distance relationships? We all know of them, but have you ever experienced one? When is a relationship called long distance? How much space does there have to be between two people to be able to call it that?

Is long distance only meant for the amount of miles between people? Or does history between them also count as long distance, if that history brings them further apart? What's it called when the only thing you want is as much distance between you and another person as possible?

And what if the other person wants no distance between you two whatsoever?

Lauren and Camila are struggling with all these questions. Will their long history with each other be a problem for their future together? Is there even a future for them in the making? Or is that just wishful thinking of one of them?

Sometimes a little distance can be good. Sometimes, distance is the worst thing that could ever happen. And sometimes.. sometimes distance is necessary.

But what if the distance between Lauren and Camila is too big? Will they find a way to overcome it? To find a solution? Do they even want a solution for their situation, to fix it? Or are they fine with the way things are now, and ready to move on? Are they fine with them being separated like this?

You think you know long distance relationships. Maybe you've been in one, then you know how hard they are to maintain, especially if one of you is on the other side of the country, or worse, on the other side of the world.

But what if one of you would be working for NASA as an astronaut? What if one of you would be further away from you than the other side of the world? What if one of you would really be in outer space?

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