Chapter 27

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"I don't want you to leave Taylor," I sighed hugging him.
"Seriously, come with us, I mean you'll be stuck at a hotel all day, but still," he begged. I laughed and shook my head no.

"There's just, too much going on right now." I sighed. He nodded and draped his arm over my shoulder. "What time is it?" I asked

He pulled his phone out clicking the lock screen on,"7:42"

My phone started ringing. I looked at the caller ID and it said Nash.

There was soft crying,"Ariana, I'm so sorry."

"Nash?" I asked concerned. I looked at Taylor and he looked concerned too, but also hurt. I put my hand on his leg.

"I'm sorry." Then the call ended. I pulled the phone away from my face and saw it was disconnected. I pulled my boots on and grabbed my keys.

"Is he okay?"Taylor asked.

I sighed,"I don't know..I just need to-"

"So that's it," he sighed.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You come here, make me believe, you loved me, and now your going back to Nash." His eyes were starring into mine.

"Taylor, I- I need to be there for him," I said not knowing a good explanation. He put his hands to his head and walked around the couch and sat down before standin up again.

"You know your really good at this,"

"Good at what?"

"Makeing someone believe in so much, while you're seeing something completely different." His voice cracked," Ariana I don't care that your trying to check up on him, it's the fact I know you won't come back." He was almost crying. I swallowed tears falling from my eyes.

"No, Taylor, that's where your wrong.." I sighed swallowing. "I'm not choosing either of you."

He looked a the ground.

"I want yall happy, this tour is too much, yall deserve this, you worked hard, I'm not going to be a burden. Maybe one day we can find our place in this world," I said trying not to cry, but you could hear my voice breaking.

"I'm not gonna stop, I want you, I want all of you, only you, you and me, that's how it's supposed to be and you know it, and that's why your running away, your scared of getting hurt. I'm not him, and right now your hurting me, but I don't care because I love you." He said tears fell out of my eyes, I cried harder not even trying to stop it anymore.

"I have to go, I wish you the best." I said turning towards the door.

"I'll let you leave, if you admit that you don't love me." I turned looking up at him, the fear in his eyes. I looked at the ground.

"I don't love you.." I whispered.

He lightly tapped one foot as tears fell down his cheeks.. I put my hand over my mouth.
He walked away and punched the wall leaving a hole in it. I jumped a little and ran to my truck crying. Ignoring the temptation to run to him. I knew it was the only way to set him free, I had to let him go.

I drove not concentrating on where I was going, I just drove across the city. Why am I doing this? All that I'm after is a life, full of happiness, which is stupid, I've never  had it before.
I stopped my truck on the side of the road and cried. My elbows hit the steering wheel which made the horn go off, makeing me jump. I say there in the dark, only the lights of my headlights lighting up the road. I need to leave.

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