Chapter 11

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Taylor*** I pulled my black t-shirt on and walked into my old high school. I winced as that same old smell, came to my nose, fake bitches, cheap cologne, the soap in the bathroom, and old furniture. I sat on a bench in front the office and waited for the receptionist to call me up. I sat there for thirty minutes and the woman still never called me up.

"Um excuse me." I said walking up to her desk.

"Yes?" She said irratatedly

"I've been waiting like thirty minutes, I need to talk to the Dean." I said.

"Did you sign the papers?"

"You never gave me papers!" I yelled.

"Well you can't see her without the visitor application." She said in a raspy voice. I looked at my hands and brought them to my face.

"Ehh... fuck it." I said walking behind the office to the deans.

"Sir! You cant!"

"Mrs. Dean." I said forgetting her last name.

"Taylor caniff, never thought you'd be back what are you doing here?" She asked pulling her glasses on top of her head. The office lady shut the door after getting a reassuring look.

"Well, you expelled Ariana Dallas and I wanna know why." I said crossing my arms

"She got in a fight with another student, disciplinary action had to be placed." She said.

"She was defending herslef! Really what about that Kennedy girl what is she doing?" I asked.

"She's in class, like every other student."

"Right, she's bullied Ariana for the past year and yall didn't do shit! Then ariana stands up for herself, a month, before graduation and you expelled her?"

"Mr caniff I am not explaining this to-"

"No, Kennedys dad has more money and can afford lawyers and control what Kennedy gets expelled from, which is bullshit and why she treats people like shit, you may be able to fool every other damn parent, but your not fooling me, because I went here, and I know yalls tricks and how yall discriminate against us because we're the "bad" kids, get a fucking grip." I said getting louder.

"This conversation is over." She said in a dark voice.

"Hell yeah it is, and tell your receptionist she's a bitch too." I pushed the door open and walked out to the parking lot. I put my shades on and walked to my truck. I sighed and tried to calm down.

"Why do you care Taylor." I laughed to myself and drove back to my place. I walked in and ariana was laying on the couch.

"Hey ari." I said to her. She sat up and smiled.

"Hey tay where did you go?"

"Had an Aron to run, it's fine now." I laughed. I kissed her cheek.,"I'll be In my room stay here as long as you want."
She's my best friend of course I'm gonna stand up for her. It hurts seeing her go through the same thing I did, and I know it's just as hard for Cameron. I layer down and took a nap.

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