chapter 7

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It was 9:30. I stood up and walked to my closet. I grabbed black tights with grey knee socks and my black flat heeled MK boots. I wore a long sleeved grey cardigan from PINK and let my blonde hair fall loosely down my back. I already had on winged eyeliner and , mascara, even though I didn't know the plan. It was 9:55. So I turned off my lights and grabbed my phone and tip toed down the steps. As I came around the rail I saw Nash sitting with his leather jacket on, a red Tshirt and black vans on. He smiled at me as I walked down.

"Ready to be amazed?" He whispered.

I smirked,"ready to try and amaze me?" He laughed and we walked to the door shutting it quietly behind us. I jumped into the passenger seat of his truck, and he climbed in the drivers.


"Yes." I said flipping my hair out of my face. Street lights began to fade as we turned onto a bumpy dark road making the whole truck rock from side to side.

"Is this even legal!?" I yelled. We both looked at each other at that moment and laughed loudly. He knew I didn't care if it was legal just as much as he did.

"Watch this." He said reaching his hand up to touch the roof. I watched him looking at his hand then back at the trail that his headlights brought to life. He slid open the sun roof letting the stars hang above us. I smiled and looked up at the big white moon that is now visible between the division of the trees on each side of the road.

I unbuckled my seat belt and stood up.

"Ariana what are you-"

I lifted my body up, putting my upper half through the sun roof so I was halfway outside. I lifted my hands up and screamed loudly. I heard Nash laugh from Inside of the truck. The wind was blowing through my hair and I closed my eyes, that rush feeling hit me again. And I loved it. The car pulled to a slow stop in front of a lake that the moon reflected off of. I felt Nash move up beside me. I smiled at him his eyes glossy having the moon shine off of them as well. Music started playing through the speakers. It wasn't metal at all...

What day is it and in what month this clock never seems so alive,

I can't keep up, and I cant back down,

I've been losing so much, time.

Cause it's you, and me, and all of the people,

With nothing to do,

Nothing to prove,

And it's you and me, and all of the people,

And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off of you..

"This isn't heavy metal." I laughed.

"I know, I just needed an excuse to get you to come out here with me." He said looking up at th sky.

I looked my green eyes into his blue ones, I realized how close we were being pushed together in that small sunroof. I pushed myself up and sat on top of the truck. Nash did the same.

"This place is beautiful." I sighed leaning back on my hands.

"Yeah it is."

"How'd you find it?" I asked him.

"I used to come here when I would visit cam. We found it when we hid from the cops."

I laughed and nodded,"seems believable. What do yell do here, besides hide from the cops."

"This may sound weird, but we all do come down here strip only to our under ware and dive into the lake, no matter how cold it is, it's a tradition." He laughed looking out at it. I moved hanging my legs off of the truck and set them on a tire.

"Where are you going?" Nash asked looking at me climb off.

"We can't break tradition."

He jumped off of the hood,"your seriously going to do it"

"Tradition is tradition, just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't do it." I smiled walking beside the Truck,"don't look though!" I yelled. I heard his laugh echo and I pulled off my shirt leaving me in my black bra. Then I pulled off my leggings, since my cardigan was long and covered my butt, all I wore Victoria secret boy short under ware with lace on the hem.

I sighed not even believing I was doing this,"ready!?" I yelled.

"Been ready." He said back in his country accent.

I smiled and walked out he looked at me then turned his head back towards the lake.

"Go!" He yelled. We ran straight to the water and it was freezing. I screamed laughing and he did too.

"Oh shit that's cold." He laughed trying to run out of it. I shivered trying to get out of it. Nash picked me up and put me on his back running out of the water. I laughed as he set me down and we both ran to our sides of the Truck. I picked up my clothes and jumped in still shaking but I couldn't stop laughing either.

Our laughs joined in unison through the truck. He pulled a blanket from the back seat and wrapped it around me. I opened my arms wrapping it around him too. I scooted closer to him and then he put his arm around me. Electricity shot through me. Like I didn't even want to leave his arms. I leaned against his bare chest as the music kept playing through the radio.

We both pulled our clothes back on and began driving back home. We pulled up and parked into the drive way.

"this would be a better date, if you dropped me off the old fashioned way, I wait for you to call which you never do until three days later, which is a part of your boy game." I smirk and he laughs exhaling a breath out of his nose.

"Unfortunately, if I like you I'll call you the next day." He laughed.

I smiled and looked at my hands spinning my ring around,"yet you still have to come inside with me which really isn't the same."

He laughed,"would you like me to drive around the block a few times?"

"Ehh." I sighed," I guess not."

I smiled and opened the door walking Inside.

"Goodnight Nash." I whispered walking up the steps.

"Goodnight ariana."

When I shut my door and pulled off my shoes my oh one started vibrated into my pocket. The collar I.D, said Nash.

"Hello?" I laughed.

"Yeah, I guess I'm calling because I like you."

My heart starts racing and I smile not knowing what to say. I curl a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Guess you don't have boy game." I teased he let out a soft laugh and said in a raspy voice,"guess not." The hung up.

I layer back in my bed with butterflies in my stomach feeling head over heels. I changed into different clothes and crawled into my bed, and fell alseep

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