Chapter 10

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My alarm clock blared through my room, at 7:15. Way too early. I sighed and stood up stretching my arms.
I grabbed some black pants and a loose black American Eagle sweater that clung losely to my upper half, I had a black tank top underneath it because it draped my shoulder.

I put on some white converse and trained my hair with a black beanie. I winged my eyeliner with mascara, a little bit of concealer to cover up some miscolored places on my face and some sugar cookies lip gloss. I sprayed on some perfume from Victorias secret then grabbed my phone and walked downstairs and heated me up some coffee because I didn't feel like driving to Starbucks, and I'm broke.

I texted cam just so he wouldn't forget and I grabbed my black Jansport book bag and walked out of the door.

When I pulled into the school, I sighed and sat there a minute in my truck until the bell rang.

Everyone gave me glances as I walked in. And I just looked down. Ever since I joined Taylor's group as a junior, a lot of people fucked off, but then some of them, we're pissed and tried there best to make me feel like the irrelevant bitch I used to be. I walked in class and sat in my assigned desk not looking at anyone. The class went by slowly as usual, but all I could think about was nash. And how he found interest in me. I smiled a little then stopped when I saw people watching me. Cameron was starting his job today, and nash was too, the Jacks were going somewhere and carter and Aaron were with roscoe, I don't know what Taylor is doing, but I'm here, in hell.

When 1st period was over I walked to my locker and threw some books inside. Then a group of girls was walking my way.

"Great." I said sipping my coffee.

"Hmph. Look who showed up, surprised you'd even show your face around here." A blonde girl huffed.

I looked at her confused,"what?"

"You know, after what you did to Kennedys house, Mrs wannabe! You wanna be like her, so you try, to ruin her house, because your stuck with your pathetic brother." They all laughed in unison.

"How would you know if that was me?" I laughed,"making assumptions again?"

She rolled her eyes,"you really are a wanna be" she laughed.

"Right.." I said biting my lip,"yet I'm the one who is a virgin, hasn't slept with half of the school, and I don't have a group of bitches..oops dogs, following me to back up everything I say because I'm too scared to say it on my own." I winked and slammed my locker,"fuck off."

"Hold on." She said walking past me. I rolled my eyes and kept walking down the hallway to my next class.

"Hahahah mrs wannabe." This girl surrounding Kennedy said. Kennedy walked up to me. Great.

"WHY THE FUCK DID YOU ROLL MY HOUSE!?" She yelled. Casino people to look.

"How do you know it's me?" I asked walking past her.

"Yeah that's right ho! Walk away, like everyone does to you, because your a countless bitch that nobody gives a shit about just like your brother! You had to hide behind Taylor caniff because your ass is too scared." She yelled. Everyone laughed. I froze. I started to shake on the inside and my head was dizzy I dropped my bag and my stuff and walked towards her. She crossed her arms and pursed her lips.

I bit my lips then punched the side of her head grabbing a fist full of hair. She started swinging trying to hit me, she ended up hitting the side of my head then my shoulder from where I blocked her I took my other hand and decked her in the face as fast and as hard as I could, everyone started yelling and howling surrounding us. I jumped on top of her tackling her to the ground and I pulled her hair as hard as I could, pushing her fists away.

for some reason I started to cry and continued punching her. I was pulled off of her by a teacher and yanked away.

She stood up wiping her face angrily, and pushing the hair out of her face. I flipped her her off and everyone else and picked up my bag as a teacher escorted me to the office. I yanked my arm out of there grasp and walked myself to the office. My lip hurt. I've never fought before in my life, and now I did. I was shaking not believing what I just did. Tears fell down my cheeks but I want crying anymore.

"Miss. Dallas, what has gotten into you!!" The dean scolded me. I didn't answer and continued looking at my hands.
When she mentioned Cameron and Taylor, something just went off inside of me. Cameron used to have no friends and was bullied like me, but worse. I remember him crying and praying just to have a friend, and how hard it was, and Taylor used to made fun of, and bullied, but they came together, and they took me in.

"Miss Dallas!" She yelled again. I sighed and looked up at her eyes.

"They were messing with me." I shrugged.

"So that gives you the excuse to beat her!?" She yelled at me.

"Kind of." I said looking at my fist. I had a blood stain on my knuckles and crinckled my nose looking at it.

"Well you just earned yourself expulsion." She said signing a paper.

"Great." I sighed.

She ripped the paper out of a book and handed it to me,"who do I call?"

"Nobody I'm 18." I said rolling my eyes and pushing through the double doors.

I was still shaking as I drove, I didn't want to go home because nobody was there, so I drove to Taylor's apartment.

I knocked on the door and a few seconds later it opened, Taylor standing there shirtless with black sweatpants and a snap back on backwards. I started crying this time.

"Ari, what's wrong." I wrapped my arms around his waste and he shut the door behind us. We walked to the couch and sat in front of him.

"I got expelled." I sighed wiping the tears under my eyes.

"What why?" He asked suprised.

"I got in a fight." I said.

"With who?" He demanded.

"Kennedy, she-"

"The one who's been messing with you since last year?"

"Yeah," I sniffled," she called me out in front of everyone and I walked away, I did taylor, but then she started talking about how I am a nobody like my brother and you, and that made me really upset, my whole body started shaking and I couldn't control it anymore."

"You don't look bad," he said looking at my face and my body.

"No, i beat her." I said and he smirked

"You beat her ass?" He laughed. And I nodded smiling.

He turned my hand over examining the blood on my knuckles.

"it's hers, not mine." I said looking up at him, "but she said something about you and Cam and I couldn't take it, it was really agravaiting."

He didn't say anything or make an expression. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his body. He was really warm, and held me tight.

"She expelled you?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded. I felt him shake his head but he continued to rub my back.

"I'll be right back, stay here do whatever you want, love you." He said getting up and walking out of the door.

"Love you too- wait taylor!" I yelled but he already shut the door. Where was he going? I layer back on the couch and closed my eyes.

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