Chapter 21

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Following thursday**

My doorbell rang, I've been cleaning all day trying to get ready for my mom to come home. I was walking to the door, when I noticed the box of grafitti pictures in a box that we were saving.

Ding, dong.

"Shit." I kicked the box into Cameron's room and slammed the door making the walls rattle, I walked to the door and opened it.
My mom stood there with her two suitcases.

"Mom!" I sighed hugging her.

"Ariana! How are you honey?"

"I'm good, just cleaning," i said.

"Great, your brother will be home tomorrow eh?" She asked setting her things down. I nodded and brought her bags to the side of the room.

"You and cam have a cute little apartment, your dad helped yall move into this?" She asked looking around.

"Yes mam." I said.

"How's school going!?" She asked in a happy tone. I almost choked.

"Fine, were on break, I graduated..?" I said flinching. I'm a terrible liar.

"You graduated and didn't call! Where's the diploma!?" She asked taking her jacket off.

"Um, I kind of lost it," I laughed nervously.

"You lost something that important! Well you are your father's daughter." She laughed to herself. "So where do I stay?"

"You can have the room on the bottom floor so it's not a problem." I smiled still happy I got off the lose with the high school expulsion.

"What's these box of pictures?" She asked after opening cams door.

"Um.." I ran to the doorway and picked up the box pulling it way from her.

"is this Taylor caniff?" She asked.

"No, I mean yes, he lives here but we don't talk to him, yeah." I studered practically chokeing on my own words.

"Good, I heard that kid, isn't a very good influence." She laughed pulling her heels off.

"He's not that bad.." I trailed off.

"I thought you don't talk to him." She said looking up at me confused.

"I dont,"

"Then why-"

"Let's go make some food for the guys tomorrow." I said interrupting her.

"What guys?" She asked as I dragged her into the kitchen. Damn it ariana. I said to myself.

"I mean the guy." I laughed,"Cameron."

"Ohh you sure are jumpy," she laughed.

"I know right?" I said looking at the ground repeating to myself to stay calm.

The next morning***

We went to the airport and picked up cam. I saw the other guys part off to there truck, I wanted to run and hug them but I couldnt. Nash waved at me and winked. I sighed not even believeing he was in front of my face.

"Who's that kid waving at." Mom asked me. I looked behind me nervously,"some girl back there."

She laughed,"little love birds."

Cameron stepped off the plane and waved to us wildly making NE laugh. I ran and wrapped my arms around him.

"Hey cam. Play good, no ciggarettes." I whispered into his ear.

"I keep all my ciggarettes in my dresser don't worry." He said hugging me tighter.

"What!?" I whispered yelled.

"What?" He asked confused.

"Cameron Alexander! Come here!!" Mom yelled pulling him into a hug. I had to play cherades behind mom's back to let Cameron know she was staying in his room.

"Mom." I mouthed,"is. Staying." I made a sleep sign,"in. Your." I pointed to him," room."

His eyes widened, and he nodded.

"So let's get home kiddos!!" She smiled pulling away. Cameron and I climbed into the car. Only 3 more days I have to survive of this.

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