Chapter 18

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"Were gonna be back in a few weeks, ari." Nash said to me as we clung to each other at the airport.

"I know," I whispered. I gave him a supportive smile.

Last call for the flight to Nashville,

"I better go," he said looking at me with sad eyes.

"I love you.." I said and he vent down and kissed me passionately like it would be the last one for a while. Which was depressing.

Last person I haven't hugged, was taylor. I looked at him smiling back at me, with his red bandana, I smiled and walked to him hugging him as tight as I could, I never wanted to leave his arms, I know I love Nash, I do, but Taylor had my heart too, as my bestfriend.

"Be safe taylor, promise?" I asked. He repositioned his arms pushing me even deeper into his chest.

"Anything for you mama." Tears started to escape my eyes.

"Your gonna do so good," I laughed pulling away.

"I'll call you." He winked. And walked towards the gate,"don't forget to do some graffiti for me!" He yelled causing cops to look at him. "I mean uh, make chicken Tetrozini!"

I laughed and waved. "I love you taylor." I whispered. Wanting to cry. Nash, I mean nash, what? I face palmed myself walking out to my truck. "I love you nash." I said the whole way home.

"Nash I love nash." I layer on my couch and stored up at the living room ceiling. Not knowing what to do. I didn't graduate highschool, I have no friends, besides the ones who just left, I'm just a lost cause.

I walked to my room and watched reruns of Orange is the New Black. The guys get a week off per month, to come home, I missed nash already and it's been an hour.

Next morning****

I woke up and drove to the store. I bought every kind of chips and a bunch of snack food. If I'm not gonna have any friends for 3 weeks, this will be the closets thing to it.

I bought frozen pizzas and pizza rolls, a bunch of tea and root beer, I was fixing to turn up, by myself.

"Your total is 67.86." The cashier said. I nodded pulling the money out of my purse.

"Thank you." I said leaving. I put all the groceries in the passenger seat and began driving home. When I got home I unloaded everything opening up a bag of hot cheetohs and went to my room, in the corner of my room was a box that I did the before.

It was a sweatshirt with a sticky note on it.

Thought you would miss me, so here's my favorite sweatshirt

I smiled and pulled it over my body. It smelt like him. I sat on the floor hugging it to my body.

I chimed in with a haven't you people ever heard of, closing the damn door,

I swiped the green answer button,"hello?"

"Hey baby girl." Nash said. I smiled and paused OITNB.

"Hey! How's magcon?" I asked trying to hide my desperate lifestyle.

"We jut started today, it's really fun, and busy." He laughed.

"Good I'm happy for you."

"How are you doing?"

"Eating, Netflix, the usual." I said eating another cheetoh.

"Awww baby you miss us?" He laughed.

I smiled,"yeah."


Her voice just lit up the room. I missed her, a lot and it's only been a day. I've never felt like this before, and it's great.

"Yeah." She whispered.

I sighed,"I miss you too babe."

"I know." I could hear her smirk, which made me smile too.

"Well I know your busy... so I'm gonna let you go I guess." She trailed off.

"Alright." I laughed,"I love you, and I miss you,"

"Dido." She said.

"Bye." I hung up the phone and put it in my back pocket. I walked back into our hotel room.

"Yall, let's go swimming!!" JJ yelled.

"Fuck yeah." Cameron yelled back. We all changed and raced down to the bowl making cannon balls.

"Smack cam!!" Taylor yelled slapping the shit out of carter.

"OHHHHH!" I yelled diving in. Everyone laughed and screamed. I wish I could have a lot more fun, but it's hard to enjoy myself knowing ariana is home alone. I know she's fine, but it feels unfair.

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