Chapter 12

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It was finally Friday, I haven't been at school at all, being expelled isn't all that bad. I put on some high waisted black shorts and a black crop top with my converse I left my hair down and wore a gold chain with a dream catcher on it. Tonight Nash and I were going on a date, an actual date, which is weird to say but I'm really excited, and nervous.

I walked downstairs and Nash was already waiting. He was wearing a black leather jacket with a black tee and had dark jeans with black vans. I grabbed my sweatshirt and smiled at him and he grabbed my hand and we walked out to his truck.

"So where are we going?" I asked looking out of the window as he drove.

"Well, we may have to trespass.." he said.

I laughed and nodded. We pulled up in front of an art museum. I looked at him confused as he got out of the truck and came around to my side. He opened the door and held my hand.

We walked to a tall fence and climbed up it. Nash gave me a boost then pushed me up and I climbed up the wired fence of the museum, then he did after me.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"Whatever we want." He smiled. He grabbed my hand and we ran across the parking lot to a wall, and crept slowly past the security cameras.

"Nash what if we get caught." I whispered and he just laughed.

"Then, we die." He answered looking around the corner.

We walked into this arch that had the outer attractions. It was beautiful. He ran and climbed on top of this silver sculpture. I did the same.

The stars are out and the moon is big shining above us, reflecting off of the metal.

He pulled out his phone,"now take a picture."

I nodded and moved closer to him smiling over his shoulder.

"Cute." He said locking his phone,"let's go." He jumped down and do did I. We ran acros the fake grass and to this building. He opened up a door.

"Did you check the cameras??" I asked.

"Relax ari, I got this." He looked over his shoulder smiling at me.

Once we were inside we climbed tons of stairs, it seems like the building is just going up and never ends. When we came to the last set of stairs, it lead to another door. He opened it and it revealed the night sky. I walked through and there was gravel all over the ground and the moon was bright, you could see the whole yard of the art museum and part of the city. We were on the roof of the art museum.

"Wow." I said looking at everything. It was gorgeous.

"It's beautiful, I know." He said smiling at me.

"You sure do know all the best places.." I sighed looking over everything.

"Is meet the best people too." He said. I turned around and he was starting at me. "Ariana?" He asked.


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I was shocked at first but then I looked back at the perfect blue eyes staring at me.

"Yes." I nodded hugging him. He smiled pressing his lips to mine, it felt perfect. The wind blew through our hair from the top of the roof.

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