Chapter 14

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"Listen here you spammers." Cameron said into his phone. I looked over at him confused.

"It's a vine." He laughed.

"Oooh." I said walking to grab a bowl.

"So whatcha doin tonight ari?" He asked me. I grabbed a spoon and sat down beside him with my cereal.

"Well, Nash and I are going somewhere, why?"

"Just wondering, I'm going out with Taylor so I wanted to make sure you were cool with it." He said keeping his eyes on the screen. I nodded with my mouth full.

"Where's nash?" I swallowed.


As he said this the bathroom door opened and nash walked out with a towl around his waste and his hair wet. I stared letting go of my spoon that hit the bowl pretty hard. Cameron looked up at me then turned his attention to nash.

"Um ari you pervert."

I laughed and stood up putting my bowl in the sink.

"Sorry I didn't know you were awake." Nash laughed then winked at me, sending chills theough me.

"Pa-lease don't apologize." I smirked washing my bowl.

"Yall are fucking gross." Cameron said pushing his chair in and walking to the back porch. I giggled and dried off my bowl. I felt hands on my hips and I jumped around seeing nash. I smiled then wrapped my arms around his neck.

"What's up." He smiled.

"I don't know, your half naked pressed against me, can't say it's any better." I said and he smirked gently and slowly placing his lips on mine. Our lips moved in sync when he placed his tounge in my mouth. I pulled away smiling. He overlapped his arms across my back and picked me up.

"Your beautiful." His voice had that deep raspy sound, and it was hott.

I pecked his lips and he set me back down.

"So whatcha wanna do tonight?" He asked.

"Umm. Christmas lights? And we can pick up taco bell?" I asked.

He nodded with our foreheads connected,"alright." I pushed him away playing and he went to go get dressed. I went and sat on the couch turning on pretty little liars.

"I'm gonna go see taylor." Cam said walking back inside,"don't have sex."


He laughed and winked at me shutting the door behind him. Nash walked out of the room and sat beside me on his phone.

"You do the vine thing too?" I laughed.

He nodded,"yeah all of us do."

I laughed and layer on his chest. We make a month in less than a week, it seems like it's been way shorter than that.


Later that night♡

I walked out to Nash truck and got into the passenger side. I was wearing my dark green trench coat and a grey beanie with small bear ears attached. We stopped by taco bell and grabbed two 7 layered burritos and I got a baja blast freeze even though it is freezing outside. He drove into the neighborhood and parked so we could walk around.

"Dude this is crazy," I said looking at all the lights,"who would have the patience to do all this.."

Nash laughed,"the same types of people who have the patience to graffiti a bunch of toilet paper and artisticlly drape it across the roof of a house."

I laughed and pushed him.

"it's really beautiful out here.." I sighed looking around.

"Yeah it is." He smiled,"this burrito is too."

I let out a small laugh as we stood in front of a huge arch with Christmas lights.

"Your beautiful too." He said looking into my eyes. I smiled and looked down at my feet. He lightly picked my head back up and pressed our lips together.

"Your stupid." I sighed wrapping my arms around him deepening our kiss. Then I pulled away conscious of all the people watching.

When we got back to the house, Nash and I were sitting on the couch as I straddled him. He kisses me resting his hands on my hips as I ran my hands through his hair.

"I still can't see how your a criminal." I smirked breathing heavily trying to catch my breath.

"Is say the same thing about you." He push me closer to him and reconnects our lips.

"Nash.." I gasp pulling away.


I pressed my lips to his neck lightly and pulled on his hair. Then I stood up.

"Goodnight." I smiled blowing him a kiss.

He groaned and laughed.

I went upstairs and changed taking off my makeup then layer in my bed, I was exhausted.

The GangstersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon