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Chapter 31: Buying Harry A Kitty

Macy's POV





It's been a few weeks now that I no longer have my cast so I decided it was time to get Harry a cat. After he'd lost Molly, I thought my boyfriend would never be the same. Today I hoped that buying him a kitty from the shelter would make him happy. Pulling into the animal shelter, I close Parker's truck door and head inside. The workers nod me on and I pass by with ease.

Heading to the back where the cats were, I opened the door to expose kitties. Smiling as I look through each glass cage, I get to the top left side and see a caramel colored kitten with black paws, a black button nose, and a black stripe down its back. Opening the crate to the kitty, it purrs as I scratch the back of its caramel colored ear. I hold it in front of my face while it lets out a heart breaking meow.

Doing an eskimo kiss to its nose, I take it to the front. "I'd like this one," I say. "How much does it cost?"

The worker smiles. "Ten dollars. Have a good day."

Smiling, I walk out of the building with the kitten in my hand. Although its nails on its paws were sharp, I couldn't see past its cute little face. Harry would love this. Heading to his house, I open my car door with the cat behind my back. Knocking on his door, he comes out a few seconds later; squinting against the hot summer air.

A Dum Dum sucker stick pokes from in between those heart shaped lips. "You do realize it's summer right? As in sleeping in?"

I chuckle. "That can wait." He rolls his eyes but allows me to pass. Walking inside, he leads me to his black leather couch.

"Sit, sit." He pushes the leg rest towards me and I grin. I loved that. Good boy. Doing work for me. "So what's behind your back?" he asks.

I take a deep breath and slowly move the cat to his view. "A kitten."

Harrys green eyes were vibrant. "No way! What's it's name?"

I bite my bottom lip. "Actually it's your kitten. You pick." He smiles thankfully, taking the kitty from me he does the eskimo kiss to its nose like I had.

He kisses the top of its head. "Pretty sure it's a girl. I'm going to name her Hacy."

I arch a brow. "Hacy?"

He blushes. "It's our ship name. My first letter and the rest is yours. She'll be our forever."

I blush as well. "That is so cute."

He grins. "I know."

Gently punching his shoulder, I watch him place the kitten on the ground to lay beside it. He pulls out toys from what I guessed was his past cats toys. Just watching him look alive again plastered a smile on my face. He picks up a little bell as Hacy lets out a meow, pawing at the object. That name was so cute.

Maybe like a ship could sail, Harry and I could sail.

Love was a powerful thing, I needed to cherish it as much as I could with Harry. I didn't know what tomorrow would bring, heck I could be dead, but this moment was just as important to me as it was to Harry. The cat was (like he'd said) our forever. But doesn't the cat have to die sometime? Rolling my eyes at my own sick joke, I watch Harry kiss the top of the cats head repeatedly.

"I'm going to go feed her," he says after moments of kissing the cat.

"I'm jealous," I say.

He looks at me funny. "Why?"

I give him the really look. "You are making out with the cat and not me."

He chuckles. "That cats breath doesn't reek. Yours smells."

I gasp. "The balls you have to say that!"

He wiggles his brows. "They are very large. You can check if you'd like..." he trails off with a very pleading look.

I shake my head in disgust. "You are a pig."

"Oink, oink!" Harry walks over to the bowl and places food inside of it.

"So glad to see you taking a break from the kissing," I grumble under my breath.

He laughs, throwing his head back. "I love cats. What can I say?" He lets out a dreamy sigh as I roll my eyes. He places his hand on my thigh and before I can react, his lips are on mine. Shoving him against the couch, I crush my lips as deep into his as I can. He tasted, sadly, of cat mouth and Dum Dum sucker. Snorting through the kiss, the tingles erupt as I feel his hands go up my shirt; touching the skin.

"Harry," I groan out.

He lets out a growl. "So hot." He puts his lips to my neck, sucking vigorously. "So right." He pushes me back against the floor, climbing on top of me.

"Get the fudge off me," I say.

He looks at me confused. "We aren't going to, you know..." He makes his hand into a circle and puts his finger through the hole while whistling.

I shove him off me as he laughs. "Heck no! Geez get your head out of your horribly big arse hole," I mimic his accent. "and act your age."

He shakes his head, causing his curly locks to move around in a jumble. "If I did that then it wouldn't bother you, so obviously I wont listen to you."

With a fake gasp, I punch his arm hard. "Just get back to putting the cat back in your mouth." I was going to say a different word, but it didn't sound lady like.

He chuckles. "You mean puss-"

"Nope!" I raise my hands up to cover my ears. "La la la la la... Stop!"

He pry's my hands off my ears. "P-u-s-s-y."

Shoving him hard enough to send him falling, I scrunch my face up in annoyance. "I hate you Harry Edward Styles."

He salutes. "Reporting for duty sir," he says in a strange voice.

I grit my teeth. "Shut up."

"Make me."

"Maybe I will."

"You are so stubborn."

"Like you."

"Want to make out?"

"No!" I flip my hair over my shoulder and stand to my feet. "I've got to go. We sound like a bickering old couple. See you tomorrow."

"Wait, we should go swimming. I found this secluded place out a little ways in my woods if you want to."

I nod. "Sure, see you then."


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