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"Well, yeah. When I'm around you I feel.. happy, I guess. Sorry." I explained.

Patrick and I walked to his room.

"There's nothing to apologize about, really." Patrick assured.

Patrick and I sat down on his bed. 

"Give me those." Patrick almost demanded, looking at the pills. I gave him the bottle. I wasn't going to take them anyway. 

He set them on the table and walked back to the bed.

I was confused about why he did that. Maybe he'll tell me later. I grabbed the TV remote and handed it to Patrick. I laid down on his bed and Patrick laid down, too. 

"What do you want to watch?" Patrick asked. 

"Anything is fine." I said.

"That helps," He said sarcastically. 

I feel like Patrick is slowly getting used to talking to me.

We started watching South Park, which was my favorite show. He rested his head on my chest. He still had his hat on, which made me smile. I grabbed his hat off of his head and put it on. I knew this probably annoyed Patrick but I did it anyway. His confused reaction was adorable.

I wondered if I ever annoy Patrick. Although it seems like I don't, but I guess I'll never know. 

I heard Patrick humming Saturday. He was a really great singer. He's truly talented. I felt lucky to have him as a friend. Not only was he talented, but he was a great person. He meant a lot to me.

Patrick picked his head up off my chest. He looked at me.

"You wanna see some lyrics I wrote?" He asked, smiling.

"Sure." I said and sat up. He grabbed a piece of paper and gave it to me. 

Where is your boy tonight?

I hope he is a gentleman.

Maybe he won't find out what I know:

you were the last good thing about this part of town.

"That's great." I said and looked at him. "Really great."

"Thank you," He said enthusiastically.

I felt my phone vibrate. I checked it to see a text from an unknown number.

Hey pete. ryan and i are going to the woods by the skate park to see jack and alex if you want to come with patrick

"Hey, Patrick. Do you want to go to the skate park?" I asked. I assumed that it was Brendon that texted me.

"I can't skate." He confessed.

"No, I mean to the woods. Brendon, Ryan, Jack and Alex are going." I explained.

"Sure!" He smiled.

We walked out of the door. I realized I was still wearing Patrick's hat. I'm surprised he didn't ask for it back. I took it off of my head and placed it on his. He looked up at me and then he looked down. Was he sad? God, I am so bad at knowing other people's feelings. 

"Alright," I sighed and picked Patrick up, which scared him a little. I set him on my shoulders and I continued walking. 

"I feel tall," He laughed. 

"How does it feel?" I asked.

"Amazing." He replied.

When we got to the woods, Alex looked confused.

*EDITING* Thanks For The Memories (Peterick FanFic) Where stories live. Discover now