The Pros And Cons Of Breathing

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"Really? Wow." Is all Brendon said for a moment. I could tell Ryan was getting worried about his response.

"Oh, that was a good response, sorry. I like you, too." Brendon broke the silence.

Ryan's eyes lit up. "So.. Will you?"

"Yes!" Brendon smiled.

I high-fived Ryan. I've never actually seen him so happy.


Ryan and Brendon were leaving to go home. We said our goodbyes and they walked out of the door.

I ran upstairs and into my room. I didn't really talk to my parents often. I wrote on a piece of paper some lyrics I was thinking about.

Where is your boy tonight?

I hope he is a gentleman.

Maybe he won't find out what I know:

you were the last good thing about this part of town.

I really liked that. Maybe I should add it to my notebook tomorrow..

I checked the time. It was pretty late and I was tired. I decided to go to sleep.


I woke up to my alarm for school. I grabbed black skinny jeans and a black shirt with a jacket. I put my hat on and walked to the kitchen to get breakfast. I made cereal; I ate this almost every day of the week. 

After I ate my cereal, I brushed my hair and teeth and opened my front door to find Brendon and Ryan. They were already there, so I grabbed my backpack and we started walking to school. I noticed that Ryan and Brendon were holding hands. 

"Awe," I said.

"Shut the fuck up." Ryan smiled.

When we got to the school, we pushed our way through the crowded hallways and to our lockers. After I put my hat in my locker, Ryan and I walked to science class. 

We sat next to each other. Pete was at the table next to us. Ryan and I talked almost the whole period, which made it go by faster. The bell rang and everyone nearly ran out of the room. I grabbed my stuff and walked out with Ryan. We met with Brendon at his locker. "I have detention." Brendon said, obviously pissed off.

"What happened?" I asked.

"This kid said 'push it in farther' and I screamed 'that's what she said'. The teacher said I was being inappropriate and it would not be tolerated." Brendon replied.

Ryan fist-bumped Brendon. Brendon got in trouble a lot, so I wasn't surprised. Ryan got in trouble sometimes, too, but not as much as Brendon did.


When we got to music class, we had to pick our band. We could have up to 5 members. I was talking to Ryan and Brendon until I heard Pete say something really loud. I turned my head to look at him.

"Yeah, you. Come here." He shouted, pointing at me. I looked at Ryan and Brendon and they smiled at me, telling me to go. 

I walked over to Pete. I was really hesitant on why he called me.

"Dude, I like the way you sing. Could you be in our band?" He asked.

"Sure." I replied quickly.

"Alright. Here's Joe, he's playing lead guitar. Andy is playing drums and I'm playing bass." He said.

"Do you have a name?" I asked nervously.

"No. Not yet. I was kind of hoping you had one in mind." Pete replied.

"F-Fall Out Boy." Shit. I stuttered. 

Pete looked at me and smiled. "I like that." 

"I was thinking, that song you sang. Is that an original?" He asked.

"Yeah." I replied.

"Have you finished writing it?" He said.

"No. I've only gotten to the first chorus." I answered.

"Oh, maybe we should hang sometime and finish writing it. For the band." He suggested.

"Sure." I smiled. Hanging out with Pete made me even more nervous than I already was.

"How about today? After school? Your place." He asked.

"Yeah, that would be great." I said.

"Okay, I'll see you then." He replied and turned to Andy and Joe. I started walking to Brendon and Ryan.

"What happened?!" Brendon nearly shouted in excitement.

"I'm hanging out with him after school. Sorry guys." I said.

"That's okay, I have to work on songs anyway." Ryan smiled. 

"I have detention, soooo...." Brendon laughed.

"And I'm in his band. And he likes the name I suggested." I smiled excitedly.

"The Fall Out Boy one?" Ryan asked.

"Yes," I assured.

"Great, have fun, if you know what I mean." Brendon winked. He was always being inappropriate. 

The bell rang. I went to my locker and grabbed my hat. I saw Pete walking towards me. 

"I don't know where your house is." He laughed.

"Oh, right." I replied and started walking out of the school doors. Pete followed me. 

"Well, I was thinking." Pete broke the silence. We were pretty close to my house now.

"Yeah?" I said.

"The band should be more than just a school thing." He replied.

"Yeah, I was thinking that too." I responded, unlocking my house door.

"You live really close to the school." Pete stated, walking in the house.

I walked up to my room with Pete following me. I grabbed a piece of paper and set it on my bed. 

"This is all I have so far. It's called Saturday." I said. Pete picked up the paper and read the lyrics.

"This is brilliant." He said. 

"Thanks." I blushed.

He started writing the second verse.

Pete and I attacked the laws of Astoria

with promise and precision and mess of youthful innocence

And I read about the afterlife

But I never really lived more than an hour

"This is going to be great," He mumbled to me. 

I scratched the back of my neck nervously.

"Hey, you don't need to be nervous about anything." He said, looking at me.

"Oh, sorry." I said, looking down to avoid eye-contact.

"Why are you nervous, though?" He asked, obviously concerned.

"I'm not used to talking with new people." I explained.

"Oh, yeah. I never did introduce myself. Well I'm Peter but my friends call me Pete, so please call me Pete." He said.

"I'm Patrick. My friends call me Patrick." I smiled.

He laughed. "Alright, Patrick." 


I'm mainly focused on this story for now so I'll probably update this one more often. 

*EDITING* Thanks For The Memories (Peterick FanFic) Where stories live. Discover now