Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Seth's POV....

(The Red Wolf---------->) 

 I woke up to a loud banging noise, disoriented, I shot straight up in my bed and almost stumbled of the side of the mattress. Another bang shuddered through the walls of my family's home. I heard a loud shriek from down the hall and I jumped out of bed and grabbed a pair of jeans from the floor and shrugged into them. I heard another commotion in hall outside my door a moment before my brother came bursting through my bedroom door in a panic.

 "Quick, put this on and get out the window!" Aaron instructed me as he anxiously grabbed my arm and physically forced me towards the window. I stumbled over my feet in confusion and fear.

 "Come on Seth, get out, and when you get outside get into the woods and run, remember that spot where we used to sit by the lake, go to that clearing there. Go there, but this time get in the water go through the waterfall, that is important make sure you go through the waterfall and hide in the cavern behind it. I will come for you. If you don't see me by sunrise, go to this address." He stated as he drew my unresponsive arms through the sleeves of my  jacket. He placed the paper in my pocket. He dropped my sneakers at my feet. There was another set of crashes and I could swear I heard growling coming from another part of the cabin. Then there was a ear splitting scream and Aaron froze for a moment, then he jumped into action. He literally picked me up and threw me out the window to the grass covered ground beneath it.

 "Run, Dammit, go now!" He said as he flapped his hands waving at me to get a move on. Something stirred deep with in me and it urged me to move. It felt like something or someone had taken control of my body and I found myself sprinting faster than I ever thought I could move through the dense blackness of the forest surrounding my home. I found it completely weird that in  almost pitch blackness I could see as if the sun was high over my head in the middle of the day. I didn't spare a glance behind at my home for my entire twenty years on this earth. Something told me not to to keep going at all costs. I didn't feel the slashes of the rough branches tearing my skin and clothes as I flashed by them. I wasn't even panting as I continued on my way, getting to my destination was my only thought.

 My ears picked up the sound of pursuit behind me and fear pushed my feet to move faster, I dared not to look behind me, I could feel the warm breath of something bearing down on me. I hopped over fallen logs and sprinted through the brush, my eyes leaked tears of almost disabling fear. The clearing  was up ahead and I could hear the water of the waterfall as it cascaded into the lagoon it fed. I burst through a line of trees just as something large crashed into my back and I was thrown forward right into the muddy bank of the lagoon. I rolled over and came face to face with a blood red wolf. It's stood over me and it's stained teeth snapped in my face. This was no ordinary wolf, it was massive, it's muscles strained as it towered over me, blood and saliva dripping from the sharp  fangs that were currently snapping in front of my face. I threw up my  hands to protect my face and the this burning tingling began in the palms of my hands, that was the only warning I got. Bright white light shot out from my palms and the wolf shrieked and jumped back. The same force propelling me through the forest caused me to jump to my feet, flinging out my hands shooting beam after beam from of searing light from my hands at the now circling beasts. One of the beams slammed into the flank of the red wolf and it howled in pain. It took off back in the forest, the other wolves following it's lead disappearing into the thick foliage.

 I looked at my glowing hands with incredulity. The compelling need to follow my brothers instructions over took me and I lowered my hands and plunged into the lagoon. I stared up at the waterfall and prayed not to die and I plowed through the wall of water, the force of it almost knocking me off my feet. I was beginning to feel dizzy and nauseous. Coming out on the other side of the water I found myself in a large cavern. In all the times I have come here with Aaron, I never knew this place existed. I climbed out of the cold water onto a shelf of rock and dirt. I didn't even register the cold as I sat there in the dark huddling from fear and now waning adrenaline rush of the wolf attack.

Carnal Protector (manxman, Werewolf)**Magic Shifter Book 1**Where stories live. Discover now