Allen taught us different fighting techniques.

We didn't fight each other we just copied him kinda like you would with martial arts. It was easy and quite boring. Not much to describe for that lesson.

During dinner, I finished fast and went to the boundaries of the small river, it was as far as the alphas told us to go. Walking by myself, bathing in the alone time to myself I cupped some water with my hands and drank it before washing my face.

Sighing I went to head out when I noticed a group of wolves from one of the other packs coming my way. There were three girls and two boys. They were glaring right at me.

Ignoring them I started to walk away, they were probably just going to get a drink, but I was in their favorite spot or something, maybe that's why they were glaring.

"Where do you think your going?" Sneered one of the girls in a high pitched voice.

I kept walking. Footfalls came behind me, a pair of arms wrapped around me. I growled out in annoyance. "Let go of me." I warned.

The smell was one of the males, when he didn't let go I grew out my claws and dug them deep into his skin. "Argh!" He cried out but held me, he tightened his grip on me even more. Growling louder, one of the girls got in my face.

"What the hell is your problem let me go." I struggled even more, clawing and kicking. The second man came over and helped. "Listen here you stupid bitch. We want answers." One of the girls pointed a finger to my nose, she had dirty blonde hair that fell pass her shoulders as she glared at me.

"What the hell? I don't know what you want to know, and grabbing me like this was necessary?" I growled.

"Why are the alphas taking a liking to YOU?" Sneered a curly short haired brunette.

My mouth popped open in shock.

This was my problem? Some attention whining girls?

"I don't know, nor do I care. I prefer no attention, so if you may, let me go back to my tent." I gritted, I managed to catch a claw on the first guys neck. He growled, letting me go I squirmed out of the second guys arms and onto the ground.

"You stupid bitch!" Growled one of the guys as he grabbed my hair from behind and threw me into a tree. I yelped in surprise. It didn't hurt me being hurled like that. It wasn't a strong enough throw.

Crawling back up I eyed them all. I wasn't going to get away any time sooner. Crouching into a defensive post I waited as they slowly stalked closer.

"Your going to pay for hurting him you know, and for being a stuck up attention whore." Blondy glowered as she stalked forward. I growled threatning at her.

They all came in pursuit behind her. I watched as the girls nails grew one by one. I launched myself over them and landed on my feet perfectly as I caught them all by surprise, standing behind them. I missed the punch that came to my face, feeling nails dig in lightly, but enough to break the skin and draw a small amount of blood.

I felt the familiar tingling of it healing over quickly. I threw a punch towards blondys stomach, making her doube over as she gasped. I didn't get a chance when I was yanked by my hair once more and pushed to the ground as I was dog piled.

A roar filled the silent air, coming from deep within me. My wolf decided to break through my hard to control facade as my bones popped out of place getting larger and sprouting out hair as my snout grew longer, my back arched forward kinda like the humpback.

All wolves looked like this when it wasn't a full moon.

As i laid on my stomach I felt nails dig into my back, feeling it get deeper as I whimpered. Trying to ignore the deep pain I kicked back my feet and caught someone off gaurd. Spinning onto my back I hit a girl in the face, drawing a thin stream of blood above her brow.

Human KillerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon