Chapter 17

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Everything was whirling from black and white, and it made me feel like I was floating. I wanted to moan and stretch like i had just woken up from a long sleep, and to feel the nice pull in your muscels.

Where was I? Was I asleep?

Then I remember the gun, it had peirced through the knife wound I had gotten. Was I dead? Maybe thats why everything was black and white. Strange I thought it'd be a little different.

Then I could feel a sharp pain that made me want to scream. I thought I was dead? I thought to myself. If I am why do I feel pain in my stomach.

I could hear voices, they sounded like men arguing over something it was irritating.

The black and white swirls started to disappear into darkness. That's when I started to panic.

Sitting straight up from where I was laying, I automaticlly clutched my stomach as I screamed. Arms grabbed me from behind and layed me down as I fought to gain my own control instead of being held down.

My arms were pinned to my sides by another set of hands, as I fought, all I could see was the tree tops.

"Calm down Erica, it's fine." Said a voice. I ignored it, just wanting to stop the pain in my stomach.

I noticed a strange flickering glow off the tree's, it was different, not like a sun rise.

It even felt a bit warmer then usaual, even through the night time.

This pain, felt like someone had stuck their hand down my throat with a knife and was poking at my stomach from the inside out. I would scream, but I couldn't, no matter what. I don't understand why.

Then I realized that I was gagged, and I was screaming, only they were muffled.

I'm so confused.

First off I couldn't see anyone yet, I can only feel people holding me down.

Secondly, I have a crazy, deadly pain in my stomach.

Third, the light ob the tree's that seemed to be flickering, was getting brighter, and I was getting v ery hot.

The gag was removed, and I gasped for breath as the pain kept errupting in my stomach.

"What's going on?" I cried in a quiet voice as my eye's wander around the leafy sky.

Curts face appeared above me and blocked my view from the tree's.

"Jay is trying to get the bullet out of your stomach and stop the bleeding before you die. And the fact that the hunters evacuated the area, only to put iton fire, to keep us in, so stop struggling so we can hurry and get out of here." He said in a quick voice.

As soon as he finished talking I cried in pain arching my back. I let my back slam back down to the hard ground, as i raised my head a little to see Jay crouched over my legs, and focusing on my bare stomach, that had a giant gash in it with so much blood.

He shoved his hand in the wound making me scream in pain, and start coughing up blood.

" I got it." He yelled in a excited victory.

I didn't notice very well but I was naked, and so was everyone else around me. I would blush in embarressment but I hurt way too much to even roll my eye's.The grips around me were loosened as I gave up fight.

The pain had started to dull.

With the little energy I had l;eft I peered up to see a green herb or something close to it, be placed on the wound, and immeaditly it started healing.

I was moaning, moaning in pain and terror. my body was starting to feel slick from the on coming heat.

"We have to go now. The fire is starting to circle us." A gruff voice said.

Jay stood up covered in blood, this time I was picked up by Curt, and then we were running, through the forest.

I could see the orange flames sliding up tree's and eating them. Almost like a snake.

The heat was harsh, and deadly.

The area was getting smoked out, the grey dark snog was turning black and thicker. Making me cough more blood up.

I even coughed on Curts perfect pale tone, chest, makeing red splatters on him.

He paid no attetion to it as it was all on where to run next and avoid the fire.

I watched as tree's started to fall, and they fell very close. My heart was thumping crazy in my chest as the many close calls were becoming more and more riskier.

By now I could hear Curt start to gasp for clean air. His run was slacking.

Jay came and stopped in front of us and offered to take ne by holding out his arms, Curt just nodded, and handed me to him and quickly took off.

"Why must you save me?" I gasped through the smog.

He gave me a small glance before paying attetion to the situation, he didn't even answer my question.

"Please tell me." I said, I wanted to know incase we didn't make it out of here.

I wasn't sure if it was a good idea to leave here. Especially hte man that was always torturing me.

He sighed before jumping over a large branch that was starting to become inflame.

He looked defeated. Like he couldn't hold back, what I wanted to know.

"If yyou really must know, I-." Then a giant burning tree collapsed in front of us, a branch came flying towards us.

It smacked into me and Jay sending us flying. I yelped at the burns I was getting, I even heard Jay yell.










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