Chapter 23

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I don't think I've ever been so relieved to see the boys, more relieved then when I was with the hunters.

But this guy apparently had plans for me, and I didn't want to know them. EVER.

Andy lunged towards the naked human before me as Curt stood in front of me, blocking my view.

All I knew was the sound of bones breaking, but I didn't know if they were from shifting or from the fight.

"STOP!" Yelled Jays booming voice, it made me flinch.

The snarls stopped, I peered around Curt too see Andy in his wolf and the man that had hunted me down only moments before was shifting back to human.

"What do you think your doing on are territory?" Yelled the man in Jays face.

I was surprised Jay didn't lash back. It's something he would do.

"Keeping away from hunters, and humans. But apparently we have to stay away from you to." Jay bit back.

"I swear to god, if those hunters even get close to my land I'll kill you and your pack in a split second...but the girl we will keep." The man glanced in my direction, sending me a wink. I shuddered. Why me? It always has to be me!

I jus realized that...I hadn't seen or heard much about female wolves.

I was still sitting up into a ball, hugging myself close. I was naked, my clothes left at the beach.

Jay growled threatening at the man. The wind rustled the trees around us calmly, letting my blonde hair float with it into my face.

"They won't be here, all we want is a place to stay, and find more weres like us that want to rebel against the hunters." Jay stated. The mans face relaxed slightly from his clenched teeth.

"Then come back and follow me." He said. He shifted back into the dark brown wolf started to walk away from us.

'Shift.' Jay said to me. I looked at him panicked at him but obeyed. Letting ym body crumple in pain as my bones rearranged themselves I followed behind the pack on full alert, I noticed Curt was too, he kept eyeing every where. Even the sounds of birds were making him warey. I noticed he even slowed down for me to stay in walk with him. My neck wasn't bleeding anymore from when that wolf held me down, though I was still jittery.

A growl sounded behind us, we all turned around to face the golden wolf that had attacked us with the big brown one, only this golden wolf wasn't golden anymore, it was a bloody mess, blood coated every inch of it's coat and it was limping.

The yellow eyes glared at us as he snapped his face towards my snout, I yelped back and the big brown wolf came back and snapped at him. It was a threatning sound, telling him to stop or he was going to get hurt, I'm assuming this was the alpha.

Jay came to my right side and walked with me as we continued with the golden red wolf behind us, Curt stood on my other side protectively. Andy followed close behind the leader, 10 minutes later we were in a clearing with tents every where.

There was at least 11 tents. People were roaming around until they saw us emerge from the forest. I saw 3 women, that was it, the rest men. I frowned, one of the ladies was pregnant.

There were no children neither.

My thoughts must have been out loud because Jay spoke to me.

'All the children were slaughtered by hunters and most women, but whatever females lived was because they were either put in hiding or fought in their wolves.' we met eyes and I gave a simple nod understanding.

Then the realization hit. CHILDREN were slaughtered. My heart felt like someone put their hand around it and squeezed. I whimpered unknowingly as the images flooded my mind. I couldn't stop them from harassing my thoughts.

Curt decided to add in. 'Females are rare now, the hunters killed children to prevent future werewolves, and killed females so we couldn't reproduce.'

I frowned in deep thought. If females were rare, then how come they couldn't just change humans into were's like me? It makes sense.

'What about changing human females?' I asked remembering everything I went through. Shuddering I waited for someone to answer.

A few moments passed as we continued walking behind the male brown wolf.

'Well, since hunters and humans have been killing us out, it's hard for us to be near them and even harder to change them, plus they are too weak and not strong enough to carry pups.' The large black wolf spoke to me. Before I asked another question Jay continued.

'We only changed you because you showed all the aspects of a female werewolf, especially for a human, plus you were...different.' Jay said, I looked up at him a bit of understanding filling me in.

Pieces were put together finally, and I felt a deep pain inside me. This is why the war was being planned. This was what the wolves had put forward. The humans really had no hear, no humanity.

This made everything harder for me.

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