Chapter 32

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He was back, he was here. Only a few feet away from me.

Jay had suddenly appeared in front of me with werewolf speed. He took a defensive crouch, growling towards the newcomers.

My pack understood, I watched, catching a quick glimpse of Andy pulling Amanda behind him as Curt made his way toward us. Standing ground.

Mark and the other alphas, along with the other packs stood around in confusion, or shock of more weres.

"Your not welcomed here!" The statement from Jay made Cage look towards us as he had a dark glint.

"What seems to be the problem?" Allen spoke up. He came to our aid, followed by the betas and other alphas.

"This man is a danger to everyone, especially the WOMEN." Jay growled.

Jays skin started rippling, he was fighting his wolf as hard as he could.

It was quite disturbing.

"Amanda, glad to see you, I've been missing you, I'm sure you'll be coming home with us after this little war." Cage stated, he was demanding her. I could see the fury in his eyes as he looked at his ex pack mate.

Amanda whimpered, shrinking back.

I put my hand on her back comforting her. Cages eyes snapped to me at my gesture.

"Oh, how could I forget little Erica, you have been dearly missed, I think we should try to 'get' to know each other again. Don't you think dear?" The cockiness was evident to everyone.

Sam sniggered, his stare was on Jay.

A roar made people around us flinch.

"ALPHA JAY, CALM DOWN!" This time it was Mark who yelled the command, he stood in front of Jay, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder.

Mark quickly retaliated, as soon as Jay made a move to bite it.

He was still trying to control himself.

Taking a chance of my own I touched Jays mid back from behind, at first he tensed before completely relaxing against the touch, his wolf calming down.

Hm, strange, I thought.

Mark raised a brow, noticing the strange exchange.

"Tell me, what's wrong?" Mark said in a soothing voice.

It was Curt who spoke, cutting off Jay.

"Alpha Cage-" He sneered the name, "Has caused a lot of trouble for our pack."

"How is this? Please go on!" Mark ordered.

Curt bowed his head.

"You see Cage tried taking our female; Erica when we were getting away from hunters, then we THOUGHT we cleared the misunderstanding, as he let us stay for a bit only to find he had dragged Erica to the forest and tried to...force himself upon her." Curt recalled the memories, only weeks old. I shuddered remembering that brutal night.

"Amanda here, refused to stay with him because he's a 'bad' alpha, and had every right to switch packs and then this was when we ran into you." It was Andy who had finished the story, I watched as he put a protective hand onto Amanda.

Seems like someone is a bit possessive of her. I smiled.

I knew Andy had a soft spot, I'd seen it rarely, but the two of them would be good for each other.

If not, well, Amanda could kick ass. I'd watched her training with another male and beat him.

"Why can't we all just...get along?" Cage sneered walking a few steps towards my group.

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