Chapter 29

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Erica's POV

The questions started, I wasn't sure what they wanted to know so I couldn't prepare for them before hand.

"So Erica, you said you were kidnapped? Care to elaborate?" Mark was the first to ask, as I expected.

I took a moment before answering. My as well not hide anything. What was there to hide?

"Well, there had been murders in my town for a bit, bodies were...well found torn up." I gulped down vile remembering the reports, remembering my best friend.

"Me and my friend Justine went to a friends house the night of a full moon, when we were driving back something ran in front of the car and I ended up swerving and well...that's when all the pain from the car flipping caused and Jay and Curt came taking us out of the car." My hands started shaking.

I was in to far already and couldn't stop.

"I watched her die, and then I ran after trying to save myself before I ended up like Justine.

I nearly drowned and other stuff that night always getting away but then they caught me." a few years strayed from my eyes, wiping them away quickly and keeping strong.

That was the past, now is the future.

I had to be strong.

"That's quite the story." Drake sad giving me a sad look.

I smiled warmly at him.

" Jay told me awhile back that I was considered lucky to be with his pack, because if I met another alpha you would be twice more worse then him...but you guys don't seem at all bad." I stated, I was a little nervous about saying this to them but they just looked at me with wide, confused faces.

"That's actually quite absurd. There is a few alphas out there that are cruel but most are caring. We treat the pack as a family." Drake stated looking a little offended.

"I didn't mean anything bad about it, I was told by Jay you were all heartless, I'm sorry if I offended you." I apologized.

"No worries child, but it seems your alpha is trying to manipulate you for himself." Mark cut in. My eyes went wide.

I already knew he wanted me but it's pretty sad that another alpha can tell me so.

"I knew he wanted me but I thought he was just being stupid and controlling." I shot back.

"By the way he acts towards you like earlier, looked to me like he was trying to strike fear in your heart so you would follow him." Drake spoke.

I noticed Allen's large head nodded towards me saying he agreed with Drake.

I groaned throwing my hands in the air.

" I don't want him, I don't like him, I hate him for what he caused me." I growled. My hands were shaking from the anger that radiated off me.

"Relax Erica!" Alpha Mark ordered, I calmed down a bit.

"How is it you can pass by a alpha order?" Mark asked intrigued.

I shrugged. How was I supposed to know?

"Even humans crumble to us when we use are orders on them, no wolf is able to throw away are commands other then strong alphas, and your a human shifted into a werewolf, you shouldn't be able to at all." Drake stated.

Honestly I was a bit confused.

I still didn't know much about the werewolf world.

"Plus you have rare fur I have only seen two other wolves with white fur." Mark said, I heard a growl from the other side of Mark to see Allen agree with a sharp nod of his head.

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