Chapter 3

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I was in a half daze as the darkness started taking over, I could hear everything around me though.

They were coming, I could hear the crunching of padded feet on the rough sandy bank. It was over, no more me. No more Justine.

I could hear them sniffing the air. Getting closer to where I was hanging on with little strength. I kept my head up in time to see them get through the last bit of brush, both in their wolf forms.

The first I spotted was a brown wolf, which was Curt, followed by a pitch black wolf, that was Jay. Their eyes were shining with yellow fury. I dropped my head on the hard, wet branches and such. Showing I had surrendered.

There was a low growl above me, then warm hands gripped me by the shoulders, pulling me into a warm body. I kept my eyes open long enough to see Jay, looking down at me with a curious look, which turned to a distance expression like he was thinking deeply.

"Instead of killing her, I think we should keep her. She'll come in handy for plans. Don't you agree?" Jay said, his body shaking slightly as he talked. There was a moment of silence, before a answer.

"I think your right."

My eyes closed, letting the darkness consume me.

Maybe this

time I won't wake up. I didn't understand what they were talking about but it sure involved me in their plans. Which weren't going to be good ones.

Voices became distant as I fell into nothingness. Gone. Everything gone. I was gone.


The blackness became to dull, maybe I was dead. Maybe I was going to awake in heaven. Wait a minute. I'm thinking too much. I needed to settle my mind before I hurt myself.

There was a annoying thud, as my senses came back to me. I could feel everything. My entire body ached. The worst spot was my ankle. It was burning with acid. Like it had been set on fire, with a highly flammable acid.

The thudding sound continued. Making me more agitated. I was going to go nuts if it didn't stop. Opening my eyes was harder then what it really was. It was a bit dark, where I was lying down.

I tried moving around, only to have more pain run through my body. I whimpered, stopping at what I was doing.

"I wouldn't move too much, your still healing." Said a harsh voice. I looked for the source. To discover the one and only Curt. He glared at me. I immeaditly shrunk back, freezing as I saw him.

This wasn't good, and I was sure I was dead, or at least suppose to be. Being awake I can feel all the pain, but being asleep was better, I thought at that moment before I opened my sensitive eyes that I would have been dead already.

Honestly, I should be blessed to be alive.

Why wasn't I?

Maybe it was because I was in a lot of pain, and Curt was glaring daggers at me. Making me stare back into those once yellow, glowing eyes now a dark green, that was almost black. The hate was surrounding me, coming at me from all ends.

Why was he mad?

Just then the door burst open. I jumped, making myself groan in pain. Jay stood there with a hard look in his eyes, but it wasn't as hateful as Curt's.

"Get her something to eat." Jay ordered, and Curt stood up, almost like in a trance state walking out of the room quickly. Jay closed the door.

We stared at each other, me with wide eyes filled with fright, him with a curious look. The thudding sound was louder, and it was making me go mad, until I realized it was my own beating heart. Reminding me every second that I was alive.

What I went through, as I saw my best friend die, in front of me, with no pity in the yellow eyes, that glowed in the night. Yet, here I was spared, and in pain.

Alive with nothing.

"Why am I alive?" I asked, it came flying out of my mouth, like a curse word. When it flies uncontrollably when you drop something on your foot.

"You really shouldn't be caring about that, you should be relived and kissing my feet for letting you live." He said.

There was a burst in my chest, a burst of anger, and fury.

"What do you mean? You didn't let my best friend live at all. But you let me live, how should I be relived in any way. I hurt all over, and here I am talking to some...some creature." I spit out.

His mouth went into a tight line as he walked towards me.

"You want to know that bad? Well then, the burning on your ankle, is from the bite we gave you, it will change you into a werewolf by the next full moon, I saved you so I can keep you, while the humans are being destroyed. You will help us, with your skill. You are strong, and have many skills. That's what we will need." He whispered into my ear.

I pulled away shocked.

"I'm a werewolf?' I screamed. He shook his head at me.

"Not yet, by the next full moon."

"Weather I'm a...werewolf, or not, I will not kill the human race with you mutts." I spat.

He growled at me, before pinning me down onto the bed. I cried in pain, as it pressed into bruises and scrapes along my body, from his hands.

"You will have no choice, Erica, once a wolf with me and Curt, you will follow orders, and they can not be disobeyed, because you do what a alpha wants, and I'm the alpha. Just like a king, there's no way of controlling yourself, when the alpha calls." He said, pulling away from me as the door opened.

Curt walked in with a tray of different kinds of food. He set it down on the little bed side table for me.

"Eat." Jay commanded, I shook my head, even though my stomach was turning for the delicous foods, making their scent towards me. He growled, making me shudder, but I kept my face composed, showing no fright.

"I said, eat." He gritted through his teeth, I shook my head at him, even though my heart was racing.

He walked up to me, making me flinch back, hitting the headboard of the bed, keeping me stuck on the spot, as he neared.

"How dare yu disrespect me." With that, his hand came across my face in a lightning speed mode, then everything turned dark.

Not again.







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