Chapter 13

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My body felt like it was on fire, everything burned, the cracking noises were so sickening, I threw up on the white floor. People just stood and watched with horror or amusement on their faces.

I screamed as my back arched off the floor, I felt like I was being pulled by four horses, and my limbs were tied around each one, then the horses wait for their order to run.

My hands were clenched in fists, until I felt my nails start to grow out into sharp animal like nails, digging into my flesh causing blood to show. I let go of my fist, but I had to make another one when a sharp snap sounded in my back.

There was so much pain all over, I couldn't even pin point where the worst pain was.

I threw up a second time, only this timeit was blood. Tears were running down my face as I convulsed like a angery person possesed by a demon.

My head felt like a brick as I tried to turn my head to look at my legs, that were now covered in a white fur, with the smallest black dots, you could only see them if you looked really close.

I flipped onto my belly gasping for breath, when I felt my teeth seem to get larger, I could feel the needle sharp teeth with my tonuge.

Then came the worst pain in my entire life, it felt like a million things that I could think of at once, it felt like acid on a open shark bite, then with fire ants crawling all over the cut, and knifes and needles just poking at the cut, only it wasn't a cut it was my entire body, my entire being.

I screamed so loud the glass shattered around me, which should have been impossible to break that kind of glass, the scream turned into a painful loud, howle.

People were running away from the scene while men with armored type suits and large guns, surrounded me into a large circle, close but yet, they kept their distance.

The pain stopped, and I fell to the ground in a heap gasping, with my eye's closed tightly trying to get the images out of my head.

Trying to keep the pain from showering over me in my mind.

I heard voices, thye were very loud, even though I'm pretty sure they were whispering.

Opening my eye's slowly, I heard gasps of shock as soon as I stood up, at first I was a little bit wobbly getting up on four legs but I managed. I looked around at hte crowd of people behind the men with guns.

There was blood and glass around the floor where I stood, I looked up to the hnters frightened by what was going to happen to me. Were they going to kill me? They said they'd help me. I must look dangerours, ready to tear someone's face off, like a coyote with rabids.

I took a step back from everyone, the guns clicked, telling me they were loaded.

How was I supposed to talk them? I wasn't human. Wait I didn't know how to turn into a human, I'm going to be stuck like this forever.

I wonder what I look like.

So many questions I kept asking in my head that would go un-answered.

Something smashed behind the crowed of people, and fire lit up the already bright room, everyone's attetion turned to get it out, even the hunters. I took a few steps back. No one was paying attetion to me, instead there was screaming and growls.

Oh no.

I ran over to a corner sitting down, it took me some time as I kept tripping on my white paws. There was a flipped over desk just in front of the corner, easy hiding. I thought.

The screams were getting frantic, and I could here gun shots sounding around.

Every shot I flinched, things were getting smashed and there were screams of pain. A man came running towards me with a gun. I looked up in fright.

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