Chapter 19

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I woke up to the sound of soft snoring, it was becoming bright outside meaning the sun was goingto start coming up. I sighed and rolled over. I yelped queitly, falling onto the floor. I didn't make much noise due to the old carpet, but Jay sat up in a half sleep and rolled the other way. He started snoring once again.

Standing up I decided to go and look out the window, give myself to think a bit clearly. I watched as hte early sun was rising above some hills. I sighed, it was beautiful.

"I wish I had never gone to my friends house, if I hadn't my best friend wouldn't be dead right now, and I wouldn't be a damned werewolf, having to fight aginst my kind I was once of. I wouldn't have gone through all that pain, and my family are probably in pain to. If I could take back that night I would." I whispered, remembering Curt digging int my friend in front of me and hearing her painful screams while I stood their unable to get free.

A tear ran down my left cheek, I quickly wiped it away. I heard a change in someones heart beat behind me, I looked to see Jay laying on his side towards me with his eye's open. He had a small glare on his face.

I looked away from him, just waiting for the onslaught of words. Or maybe a hit. Whatever it was I was ready for it.

I heard him get out of bed and the cheap sheets crumple under his weight. Closing my eye's I listened to the near invisible sound of his feet touching the floor, coming slowly towards me.

"I don't regret anything that night, I don't regret running across that street and causing your car to flip, and I definetly don't regret watching your friend die. But I will never EVER regret meeting you." He whispred, I flinched as his hands snaked slowly and lightly across my waist as he pulled me inot his chest.

"Why did you do it?" He aksed me.

We were facing the window again.

"Do what?" I whispered keeping my shaking voice from getting out of control.

"Why did you come back for me? After everything I put you through, after everything that has ever happened to you?" He asked me.

I moved his hands from around my waist and turned to him.

"I don't know why I did it. Maybe because I couldn't let someone die by my hands, or maybe because the one's that care bout you would suffer. I don't know, I'm still trying to learn myself." I couldn't look him in the eye.

"Do you remember what happened after we made it just outside the fire?" He asked with a bit of a hard edge.

Frowning I tried to recall what happened after I saw Curt coming towards us. I shook my head. I could only remember the dirty clouds evading my sensitive senses. I actually felt...blind, if I remember clearly, no taste or smell, or very good sight when that fire took place it was the only thing that took up my mind.

I know something happened between that time frame. It's at the tip og my tongue.

He sighed, but he didn't look like was relived or upset. 

"Why?" I asked.

"I just wanted to know, because I was out of it pretty much." He stated in a quick voice.

I know he's hiding something, just by the way he's speaking, it makes him sound guilty.

There was a moment of silence, it was cmfrable, as I just thought aimelessly of nothing. He intruppted my thoughts with him cearing his throat.

"Um, Ericka? D you still want to leave here? I mean, as in get away from me?" He said in a soft tonethat had me looking into his dark eye's that seemed to glow the tinest bit of yellow.

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