Chapter 8

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I screamed as the whip touched my clothed skin, slicing through it easily like it was melted butter.

The first strike had me laying on the ground shaking in pain as the open wound was set on fire, the wet feel of my own blood pooling down fast. I couldn't scream in pain as the next crack hit me, making me choke on my own gasp.

Instead I just threw up all over the floor.

I could hear Curt getting the whip ready for another swing as he swung it back making it snap behind him before he sent it forward towards my back. I puked more as the sickneing feel of the whip sliced through my skin more. The skin slicing easily and apart from that single touch.

I was surprised at how long I was able to choke back the tears as the whip came at me causing new pains to me then anything in my life. By the tenth whipping I sunk to the dirty floor unable to keep myself up.

I could barely look up from where I was. I just stared at the ground with tears soaking my face. And a warmth I hated as it trailed down my back landing with a soft dripping sound like water on the moldy concreate.

The whippings stopped, I heard Curt walk away from me and set something down, propbably the whip. Then he came back towards me.

I watched as his feet stood in front of my face. The chains let me go, I was picked up carefully and brought back upstairs to a very strange looking room.

There were unfamiliar machines and chemicals, and a few beds. I was set on my stomach on one of the beds. And left alone.

Hours passed, I was losing conscious. The wounds on my back still bled like they were fresh, I should have died hours ago from blood lost, I don't understand how that works at the moment that I am still alive.

A door opened and in walked Jay. I just watched weakly as he grabbed some towels, and water and some more medical utensils. He gave me a small sad look before turning back to his usual glare. Coming towards me slowly.

I closed my eye's not wanting to see him, not wanting to see anyone or anything in this moment.

I sobbed a bit as a sharp pain touched my back, it stung, before becoming numb. Out of all honesty I didn't care what happened from this moment on again, I'd do what they say, as long as I don't have to go through that kind of pain again.

"Did you learn your lesson yet Erica?" He asked in a quiet voice.

Nothing, I said nothing, I didn't move or speak.

He sighed, then continued his work. The only feeling was a small dabbing on my back, the rest was numb.

He finished a couple minutes later. Throwing away the bloodied tissue and stuff. "I covered the wound up with some gauze, you won't need it very long you are already starting to heal because of my werewolf venom in the bite." He said.

"I'll be back in a hour to take you to your room." With that he was gone. A small tear slipped from my eye as I realized that this was now my life, my new life, no more old life.

I'd have to kill people, and follow orders from the 'Alpha.'

How many days till the full moon? I'd have to ask Curt or Jay when one of them comes back.

55 minutes passed, when the door opened revealing Jay. He looked at me with a composed and well hidden face, before coming towards me and checking my wounds. They didn't hurt anymore which I was glad for.

"There is just some bruising and a few scrapes that will be gone soon. Now come on time to go to your room." He helped me off the bed gently holding most of my weight, and keeping a hand around my waist careful not to touch my back.

I was so weak, I could barely stand any longer. My feet dragged. Jay kept most of my weight on him.

My breathing came out a bit jagged. "When,...when is the n-next moon?" I managed out.

He didn't answer for awhile. I looked at him unsure of this question anymore. His face was hard and set with a mad or angry look.

"Three days. Your change will be painful, worst then a whipping." He said in a hard tone that matched his face. I swore my heart just sank into the pit of my stomach and was being engulfed in the acid.

"No, please stop the transformation. Please." I cried silently to him. Afraid to raise my voice. He shook his head.

"I need you, and you'll be a lot of help in this new pack. You have everything we need, the skills, the fight, and power, and sassiness." He smirked at the end, looking at me, up and down. I growled at him.

Whoa wait. I just growled a full animalistic growl.

He chuckled with a raised eyebrow. I cried again in fustration and fear. We were in front of my room, he was about to open the door when he stopped. Confused I looked at him with a questioning face.

"What are you doing?" I asked quietly.

"I've decided that you won't be staying in here tonight." He said calmly, a small bit of red flashed through his eye's.

"What? Where? Please tell me it's not that torture room? Please not there again." I started to raise my voice as panic erupted through me. My heart was pounding hard in my chest.

He shook his had. "Nope you'll be staying in my room." He continued before I cut him off as I opened my mouth.

"Because you'll be in a lot of pain for the last couple days and may experince some nightmares." He said starting to drag me off towards his room. I struggled slightly before giving up, it was useless, I was just going to lose in the end. My as well go with my fate.

"That's a good girl." He patted my head like I was a puppy.

In his case I was a puppy in a way. I growled again not meaning too. It honestly scared the daylights out of me.

We made it to his room. Just as he opened the door my legs buckled from exhaustion. Jay kept me up easily though.

We walked in a brightly lit room, there sat a giant king sized bed with black covers, and red pillows, the bed lay against the right side of the wall. The floor was a light red to, and the walls black with red banister at the bottom of the wall. It was a gorgeous room other then the clothes that were thrown around, some hanging on a computer desk and a few old dark brown dressers that didn't quite fit the room. I looked in awe at the sight in front of me trying to ignore the mess.

He pulled me to the bed. I didn't see the couch in the corner of the room on the left side of his room.

"I'll sleep on the couch if you don't mind." I said. He nodded throwing a spare blanket on it and a pillow, from a small closet.

He set me down on the couch, and turned off the lights. I got comfy and made sure my back wasn't touching the make shift bed. Slowly dozing off into the unknown once again.







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