Chapter 33

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The plan was to circle the building as much as we could and with a command from the alphas we'd attack the guards that stood watch outside.

Me and Amanda, along with some other wolves were to stay back in case the plan back fired and they need backup. Plus we could catch any escaping, or sneaking hunters.

I stared at Amanda, her fur glowing ever so slightly in the moon light, showing off her brilliant red.

'Time to attack.' Jay said, I watched as the wolves ahead of us started to advance on the large building. A few pain filled screams were heard. I flinched each time I heard one. My ears drawn back to my head.

A hunter came running through the bushes in a panicked run. Amanda quickly advanced in on him and tore out his throat before he could even comprehend her even attacking him.

Blood was splattered throughout her red fur, making hard to tell the difference.

'You okay?' She asked me. I shook my head with a dog whine.

'The coast is cleared, all guards have been killed.' Jays alpha tone said to everyone in our pack.

Wow, that was fast.

We followed forward. My shoulder aching as I walked.

The wolfs bane was weakening me as I continues my way. I tried ignoring it, as to not get questions. My shoulder was still bleeding heavily, though it was healing ever so slowly.

I watched in the back as Mark snooped around for the perfect opening.

Our strength was doubled by the moon. I got to see just how strong it was when Mark and Allen slammed into the stone wall and watched it crumble down into a billion small pieces.

I stared in amazement at what I had just seen.

A large gaping hole stood proud. Suddenly a the lights in the building dimmed and red beeping ones emerged with a loud alarm.

If they didn't know we were here, then do now.

'KILL THEM ALL. NO EXCEPTIONS!' Jay yelled, I noticed Mark nod before trotting off into the facility.

Screams and gun shots were heard. Someone nudged me from behind. Pushing me towards the hole.

'Go Erica!' Curt growled. But my legs were glued to the spot.

Teeth clamped down on my scruff, as I was lifted up and was thrown into the hole. I snapped out of my daze and caught myself on my four legs before I crashed.

It came down to all of this, a fight to the death.

A fight for werewolves or humanity.

Gun shots rang through the compound, screams, or even howls were heard at every corner. Vile's of strange liquids covered the floor, if not smashed and spilled.

It smelt of blood, death, and chemicals.

I watched as a brown wolf took out the throat of a man. Blood splattering across the wolf and into the floor instantly.

My stomach heaved but u continued to walk in a trans like state, the hunters didn't seem to yet notice me, I wasn't sure weather to be thankful or not. If I died, then I wouldn't have to fight.

I'd stop seeing the blood, stop hearing the screams, and stop seeing what I was apart of once upon a time.

This wasn't going to turn into a happily ever after! Everything can come to a good end or a bad end. Either way, one side is losing while the other is winning.

I heard a shrill cry, recognizing the wolf it belonged to, I managed to see a hunter raising a knife up at Amanda as she laid crippled in a net similar to what I had once been captured in, covered in wolfs bane.

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