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"Come on, Erica, I want to go." Justine yelled, from downstairs. Justine was my best friend for the last ten years or so, we met when we were at least seven. Now we were seventeen, and the best friends in the world, basicly sisters.

"Erica!" She screeched, I sighed. It was twelve in the afternoon, and we were heading out to a friends, I was a bit timid leaving.

Lately there have been people missing late at night, the only sign of them is a bit of blood. Plus a few have showed up in the middle of the woods, torn to bits, almost impossible to identify.

The police said it was a animal, but they are unsure of what kind. The creature literally eats them. But never leaves a clue, like footprints or fur.

Just thinking about it made my skin crawl. It was safer in the day, and still to be away from the woods.

I ran down stairs throwing my dark brown hair back into a pony tail, and quickly looked in a mirror, checking my eye make up making sure it wasn't smudging, my green eyes with small flecks of gold.

Perfect with my small amount of eyeliner and mascara with a sparkling white eye shadow lightly put on.

Justine was standing at the bottom of the stairs, with a hand on her hips. Her blonde hair flowing down her back. She was glaring playfully at me. I laughed at her, walking pass her and grabbing my purse, holding the door for her to go out.

She led the way out towards her small black car. It was sunny, I had threw on a yellow sundress, it was the perfect summer weather, and tonight was suppose to be just as warm. A full moon was suppose to be out making the night sky shine.

I got in the passenger side as she sped down the road to our friend Lisa's house, we knew her just as long as Justine and me.

Her house was just down the block, and I felt safer driving, everyone had been put into this huge scare as soon as bodies started showing up.

The big problem for me was that there were a good amount of woods seprating some of the houses between mine and Lisa's. Justine started to pick up the speed while we hit the wooded part.

I knew she was as scared as me.

The trees seem to grow bigger and longer then usual, making it feel longer to hit the houses again, it was quiet, the radio wasn't on and we didn't speak. There were a few other cars driving just as fast down the road. As soon as we hit the road we both let out a giant gust of air, I didn't know I was holding in.

Justine started laughing, it was a nervous laugh.

"I wish they would find the creature that was causing this." I said, trying to laugh with her but it was forced.

After about five more minutes we made it to the small house that Lisa lived in.

Hours went by and we had not stopped talking and lauging at are own stupidity.

I grabbed some pie, that Lisa's mom had made for us, and threw it right into Justines face. She squealed, picking up a bunch more. Throwing it directly at me, I ducked and it hit Lisa in the face, covering her shoulder length blonde hair.

Both these girls were like my sisters. I looked up at the time and my smile dropped it was already 9:30pm at night. Great. Should have just brought some sleep over stuff and stayed over, we were only suppose to chill for a few hours but it turns out we were here for a bit longer.

Both girls stopped laughing, and watched where I stared, Lisa broke the silence sighing. "Guess you guys have to go...You can stay here if you want, I have extra clothes." She suggested, I shook my head in unsion with Justine.

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