Chapter 1

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Death were in those yellow eyes, and hunger.

It screamed at me to run, it screamed 'Danger.' Did I listen? I couldn't, it was almost impossible to look away from the man. I noticed a long redish scar over his left eye.

My eyes were wide as he continued to stare back into mine. There was a painful moan that came from behind me, snapping me out of my gaze. I turned to see Justine in another mans arms.

He was holding most of her wait as she tried to understand what was going on. I wanted to run over to her and give her a hug, whispering everything would be okay. But I think that was the opposite to my thoughts.

I leaned into the man with support as a wave of dizziness swept over me. The arms around me became tighter slightly. Honestly, I wanted to run away from them, get away, I felt the dark aura around them, and I wanted to snatch Justine away.

In the back of my mind I knew we weren't going to make it.

"Yep, we got them pretty good." The one with Justine said, there was a slight rumble as the other man that held me chuckled.

"They're quite beautiful under all those cuts and bruises. And their blood smells appealiing." Said the one with me.

"What do ya say Jay? What should we do with them?" He indicated to the one holding me.

I was shifted back to turn to face Jay. He looked me back in the eye. "This one has a lot left in her, the other one doesn't looki like she'll last much longer, we'll finish that one, then play with this one." Jay said.

I gasped, struggling. They laughed at my failed attempt.

"Please. Please, don't hurt her, help, save her, then do what you want to me. I don't care as long as you take her to a hospital." I begged, ready to go on my knee's and beg.

"I like that idea," I was being dragged into the woods, as they ignored my pleas. I can't believe this is happeneing to us. I needed to get Justine out of here. She was barely hanging.

I was stopped as soon as the tree's covered us away from the road, the night became very cold, it sent shivers down my freezing body. The wind was picking up, bringing up my bloodied dress with it.

I watched as the man holding Justine tilted her head to the side, her eyes were closed but she was awake, fighting between the darkness. She groaned in pain. I felt bad, and confused to what they were doing.

"Justine? You need to fight the darkness, and run, get away from here." I yelled at her trying to get her misguided attention.

"Erica? What happened?" She whimpered, it was a small whisper, but I could hear it.

" We were in a car accident, you need to run, please, get away from here. Keep fighting the pain and get away." I cried as the tears ran down my face. The men watched fasinated, at my useless conversation. I knew Justine wouldn't be able to leave, weather she wanted to. She was too weak.

I started struggling in Jays arms, as I watched as I saw the man holding her, his nose and mouth became longer, and covered with fur, and his body started to shift and turn, I screamed.

His body started to be covered by a bunch of fur, and many teeth pointed their way in his mouth, his eyes were glowing even brighter. He dropped Justine's body onto the ground and she cried in pain trying to open her eyes.

The fur bristled out and he howled as a tail shot out, from behind him.

I screeched some more trying to pull free from Jay, I HAD to get to Justine. I watched helplessly as Justine opened her hazel eyes and she let the most terrifying scream out as she saw the creature hovering above her.

"JUSTINE! RUN. PLEASE STOP AND LET HER GO. TAKE ME. PLEASE." I screamed, trying to get to her. I wasn't sure where my burst of energy came from but I sure needed it now.

It was too late. The giant wolf jumped down on her, grabbing her by the throat and shaking her like a giant rag doll.

"ERICA." That was the last thing I heard as she became silent, and the wolf dropped her body to the ground, I caught a glimpse of moonlight on the wolfs back, showing me the color of brown fur.

Jay let me go, as I stood shocked as I watched the wolf began tearing at her clothes and taking chunks of meat into his mouth. There was blood every where, I couldn't look away, no matter how gruesome it was and turned my stomach my eyes stayed glued in shock.

My eyes couldn't take any more, but they were locked on the deformed body, it wasn't identiful. I was choking on sobs, and I felt myself become light headed, my legs buckled and I fell to the ground. Arms wrapped around my waist catching me before I touched the wet ground.

I looked up at Jay, staring at his glowing yellow eyes, as the tears flowed freely down my eyes.

"Why?" I whimpered. Shock took over his features, like I had asked a different question then what I should have asked.

"Why? Because we are werewolves, we need the flesh to survive, the sweet blood that flavours it, and to get back at the hunters that took out just about my entire pack, it's just me and Curt." He said, nodding his head to the wolf that had looked up, with a blood covered face. My best friends blood.

Broken sobs came from my chest as I looked at the bloodied mess on the ground, only, blood, flesh, and bone were really left, the main organs were completely gone. I wanted to be sick.

I felt the wave hit me, as I doubled over and puked.

When I finished I stood up, wiping the sweat off my face.

"Why did you kill her, we did nothing to you. I told you to take me instead, but you didn't." I screamed, I pointed a finger accusingly at Jay, he smiled amused.

Arms grabbed my shoulders, I turned to look at Curt, in his human form, naked and covered in blood. I screamed to get away from him.

Jay walked closer to me, not that he was close before and whispered into my ear. "Because many werewolves are trying to get rid of the human race. And you won't be a exception to that." He said.I felt my muscels tighten, and bunch.

Monsters, they were monsters, I brought my foot up and kicked Curt in the balls, he doubled over and cursed. I made my move and started running through the darkness that only let in a few small lights above the tree from the moon.

I could hear their footsteps catching up, surely they were faster then that, unless they were 'Playing' Their game they had mentioned earlier.






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