I look at him questioningly, waiting for him to speak.

"Pressure was put on the pipes and they've burst, there's quite a lot of damage since the pipes burst in two places. That's why there's so much water" explains Mike while pointing at the spewing pipe.

I nod "So what now?" I ask

"You'll have to move out for a few days then we'll pump the house and replace the burst pipe" I nod taking it all in.

"It might be longer than a few days since we'll have to order the pipe and get the pump to your house".

"Okay" I said sighing, this was going to be more of a hassle than I thought and Lily's birthday was in two days and we would be spending it in a hotel?!

I flip out my phone and begin scrolling through the Internet, trying to find the nearest hotel.

"What are you doing?" says Harry puzzled.

"Trying to find somewhere to stay" I say rolling my eyes, where did he think I was planning to live for the next few days. I scrunch my eyebrows in frustration when I realise that the nearest hotel is at least half an hour away. Getting to work each morning is going to be fun.

"Cheri, you could always stay at me and Louis's" say Harry softly.

I look at him in shock, when did Harry become so kind?

Maybe he had changed in the last two years. I suppose a lot can happen in two years but I suppose I was still waiting for the old Harry to come back and hurt me all over again.

"Are you sure Harry.. is there space?" I ask uncertain.

"Yeah, we have an extra bedroom anyway"

"What? How come me and Lily didn't sleep there last time?!"

I don't remember Harry mentioning an extra room, how come Harry decided to come and sleep with Lily and me instead of taking the other bedroom.

"Uh... " say Harry trying to think of something to say, his cheeks start to heat up. He's embarrassed!

"Aw is little Harry blushing" I say pinching his cheeks.

He sticks his tongue out and I laugh at his childishness.

Mike coughs awkwardly and I realise he's still there.

"Uh I give you a call in the morning to update you on the pipe situation.." he mutters then he gets up. I hand him the money for his time and he scoots out the door. It's getting late and I look down to see Lily sleeping in my arms. Harry picks up my bag containing Lily and mines clothes.

"Harry I can carry my own bag, it's not that heavy" I say trying to pull it off him but he steps out of the way.

"It's fine, you're carrying Lily anyway". I sigh in defeat and we walk out the house to his car. I put a sleeping Lily in the back seat then hop in the front, Harry gets into the drivers seat and starts the car.

"Harry, thanks for letting us stay at yours, I appreciate it...." I say gratefully.

Harry smiles, showing his dimples. "It's okay, I'm trying to make it up to you to show you that I'm sorry".

I nod stiffly, not wanting to talk about it. Harry pulls in and the stops the car. Before I can get Lily, he's already carrying her for me. We walk up to door and I ring the doorbell since Harry's too busy carrying Lily.

Louis answers looking surprised.

"We can't get rid of you can we?" he jokes while grinning. I follow Harry to the guest bedroom and he gently puts Lily down on the double bed. He softly kisses her on the forehead then walks out the room, leaving me frozen to the spot. Harry really does care for Lily.

But would he care as much if he knew she was his?

I shake my head, It's just me and Lily. I don't need Harry.

Or do I? Is the last thing I think before I slip into unconsciousness of sleep.

I wake to hushed voices coming from the other side of the door, I turn over in bed and see that Lily's no longer lying next to me.

"Lily?" I whisper shout.

I listen to the voices coming from outside the door, it sound like Harry's voice and Lily's. What are they talking about?

I creep to the door and press my ear up against it.

"Let's play families Harry" says Lily excitedly.

"Okay, who do you want me to be?" I can hear the smile in Harry's voice.

"You be a mummy and I'll be the son?"

"Why not daddy?" asks Harry

"I don't have a daddy"

I hope this isn't heading where I think it is.

"Do you know where you're daddy is Lily?" says Harry softly. No.

"I think Daddy's dead" I hear Lily say quietly.


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In the next chapter someone finds out that Harry is Lily's father. It might be Harry or perhaps it's one of the other boys? You'll never know unless you vote mwahahahaaa

What are your opinions on the new front cover? Bad, good? xo

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